Jihyo imagine (gxg)

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Prompt : if you murder someone, their IQ points transfer to you. Students resort to murdering instead of studying to pass tests
"Hey, that's Jihyo. I call dibs on her." Your best friend, Jeongyeon eyes you warily. You raise an eyebrow, "Dibs on her? What's with her?" Jeongyeon gives you a look. "Dude, she's the smartest kid in class, I need her IQ points." You roll your eyes, "Go ahead, do what you want. I don't care."

Jeongyeon's tone was surprised. "You don't care? She's your crush, you know." Of course you knew, but you certainly valued friends  over your crush, you knew you had no chance with the goddess anyway. "I know, I know." You throw a glance at Jihyo, only to hastily look away when she turned around and met your gaze.

Jeongyeon asks, no, demands, "You're following me later tonight to kill Jihyo, okay?" You shrug before nodding, not like you had a choice anyway. "Oh well, I've got class now. Catch you later." She walks away, leaving you alone to stand beside your locker.

Turning to your phone to start playing games, you saw Jihyo walking towards you from the corner of your eye. Internally panicking, you start mentally screaming at yourself.







"Y/N..." Shit.

"E-er h-hi?" Shit Y/N don't fucking stutter.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. I like you." EHHH?!?!

"Like as in like like?" You mumble, not trying to get your hopes up. Yet your heart explodes when she simply says, "Yes. In the romantic sense." Your eyes widened, you try to speak, yet no words came out.

Jihyo chuckles softly, pecking your cheek, "I know you've fallen for me too. And... you're mine now." She walks away, leaving you dumbfounded.
You never told Jeongyeon what happened.
12 am

"Come on, idiot we have to go kill Jihyo before it's too late." Jeongyeon runs to Jihyo's house with you trailing behind her, speaking in hushed whispers. "Jeong....I really don't think we should do this..." You mumble, in an attempt to stop Jeongyeon.

"I have to do this." (Why can't you just study like a good kid man) You shove down the uneasy feeling growing in you, you want to protest against your best friend's words, but you couldn't find the moral courage to.

Sneaking into Jihyo's house, the two of you saw Jihyo sleeping peacefully on the bed. The uneasy feeling slowly turning into guilt. You liked her, she liked you back. Was that not enough to save her?

Picking up a piece of wood, you look at your best friend who was raising a knife over Jihyo's figure. You swallow the lump in your throat.

I'm sorry, Jeongyeon.

You knocked out the poor girl with the piece of wood, watching as she collapsed onto the ground, out cold. Gently lifting Jihyo from the bed bridal style, you whisper,

"Let's escape to another world."

And she smiled, her eyes still closed.

A/N: if you were living in this world, would you murder for IQ points, or study diligently?

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