t h r e e

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everyone had left, it was just toby, cam, and john left. they were all at john's house playing with his wii. john was making a mii character, not taking it seriously at all.

"guys guys look," john said inbetween laughs. toby and cam both looked up from their phones, cam started laughing and toby smiled like an idiot. john made is mii have the weirdest eyes, big round ones that were as far down as they could go and all the way on the side of his head. cam and john were laughing really really hard, toby just smiled and shook his head. they really were idiots.

"toby- it's- it's funny!" cam manged to get out while laughing his ass off.

after 10 minutes of laughing and random fits of giggles everyone calmed down.

cam and john were playing Mario cart, cam got a text right in the middle of a track. he paused the game, which john whined too.

"aw man, I gotta go. toby you need a ride?" toby quickly typed that he'll walk home.

"alrighty, see ya later cunts." and with that cam left.


1 hour later and toby decided he wanted to go home, john suggested to walk him home. toby agreed.

"toby? why don't you talk anymore?," toby's eyes widened. "did something happen?" toby nodded.

"what happened? you can tell me, I know we only just met but I won tell anyone else." toby shook his head, there was no way he would tell john someone he just met.

john mumbled, "who could hurt someone like you so badly that you stopped talking?" john was hoping toby wouldn't have heard but he definitely did.

toby's eyes started to water, he didn't like thinking about what happened. he did a little sniff, and john looked over at him.

"oh my god, toby! are you okay? i didn't mean to make you cry. i'm so sorry!" they both had stopped walking. toby stared intensely at the ground, silently crying. john was turned staring at him.

"toby pl-" john tried to reach for toby, but toby jerked away and started running home.

"toby!!!" john started running after him.

toby was faster then john. toby was in dead sprint all the way to cam's house. he banged on the door, john was a little far behind him.

cam opened it, smiling. only for the smile to drop when he say a crying toby there. "toby?! oh god, come in."

toby explained to cam what happened, cam looked mad. toby felt kinda mad at himself/ he knew it wasn't john's fault but he made it seem like that anyways. soon enough there was a knock at the door.

cam opened the door with a scowl.

"hi did toby come here by any chance?" a breathless john asked.

"no he didn't. now leave" as soon as cam got the sentence out there was a sniff in the living room, giving toby away.

"god damn it toby.." Cameron mumbled.

john and cam shared a look. "can i please talk to him? i want to apologize."

"no, you may not. he doesn't want you apology." john was a little taken aback. cam was way different when he was mad. he became more protective.

cam shut the door before john could say anything else. he walked into the living room only to see toby gone. then he heard the front door open.

'damn it toby, you snake' cam thought before walking back towards the door.

toby just stood there, staring at john.

"i'm sorry.." toby stared at him longer then went forward to quickly kiss him on the cheek. then he shut the door.

"wow toby, that was kinda gay." cam commented, toby just smiled.

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