t w e l v e

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"are you nervous?" cam asked quietly. toby nodded, he already has gotten worried and weird looks from people and he wasn't even in the school gates yet.

"you'll be fine toby. remember that the principal is allowing me to go to every class with you for a couple weeks so i can look after you. i'm with you ever step of the way tobes." toby smiled thankfully at his friend. he was glad cam was here.

he took a deep breath before walking into the school gates. the weird glances gave him anxiety, he kept fidgeting with his jacket sleeve.

cam noticed toby's shakiness, and squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. he smiled at the smaller. cam felt bad for his best friend, he really did.


toby sighed in relief, it was finally lunchtime. he already tried running around to the bathroom so he could hide but cam dragged him to their lunch table. all toby's friends greeted him cheerfully, they were happy he was back.

cam dragged toby away from the table, saying he had something important he need to talk to him about.

"im going to ask him out, but away from all of
you cause you people are annoying," cam chuckled.

"wait doesn't that mean i have to kiss john in front of everyone?" there was a lot of people in the cafeteria, there was no way no one would see.

"you don't have too but if you want too," cam smiled at him. why is he always so damn nice?

"no i'll do it, a deal is a deal," toby smirked, trying to look more confident. a few people gave them weird looks cause it looked like toby was talking, which he was but they couldn't hear him.

cam pulled jaren away, probably going outside where there isn't as many people. toby smiled and gave cam a thumbs up as he walked away. causing the older to roll his eyes.

when the two came back holding hands, anxiety shot through toby. now he had to kiss john.

cam and jaren announced what happened to the group, everyone smiled at them and said they supported them no matter what.

toby panicked, but he did it. quickly he faced john and kissed him. john blushed, stuttering for words.

"toby what the fuck!?" swagger yelled throwing his hands dramatically in the air.

toby shrugged in response, continuing to eat his food.


"toby what was that at lunch?" john and toby went over to john's house after school. they were sitting as close as possible on the couch not paying attention to the movie at all.

toby searched his boyfriends face before shrugging and turning back to the movie.

"you and cam made a deal, didn't you?" toby went wide eyed.

"how did you know?"

"well it was out of nowhere and after cam and jaren said they were dating. i thought it had something to do with it." john chuckled.

toby blushed, john was too good at observing.

"you're cute when you blush." john commented, making toby turn more red.

"stop it.." he murmured. toby didn't think he was cute, if anything john was the cutest.

"no, it's cute." toby rolled his eyes. secretly he appreciated the attention.

"you're cute," toby meant for it to be a mean comeback but john giggled at him and kissed his nose.

"i'm glad you made it out of that hospital. i don't know what i'd do if i lost you, toby." he smiled sadly at his boyfriend. hearing his name being said by john gave him butterflies. it rolled of his tongue easily.

"i wanna start therapy. i wanna get better, for you." john smiled widely. grinning from ear to ear.

"toby!! that's great! have you made an appointment?"

"no..i was hoping you'd do it for me. i-i can't make calls by myself." toby blushed, he hated anxiety.

"of course baby, i'd do anything for you." john kissed his boyfriend with passion and happiness. thinking maybe if he kissed him hard enough toby would see that he is okay and safe.

A/N : im sorry that this is kinda short! and thank you everyone for being so supportive ! it means the world to me <33

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