f o u r t e e n

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TOBYYY!!" toby looked over at john, concern evident on his face.

mason, jay, and jaren bursted into their room. cameron and swagger following close behind.

"YOU TALKED TO SWAGGER AND NOT US!?" toby glared at swagger, who waved guiltily.

"come onnnnnnnn toby. we haven't heard you talk in forever, pleaseeeeeee?" jaren begged. cameron shook his head at the smaller.

"you don't have too." john whispered in his ear.

toby knew he didn't have too. but he kinda wanted too. he was just afraid his voice would sounded weird, or his voice would crack. he hasn't talked to the guys for a couple years, they deserved better.

john took toby's hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

everyone waited impatiently. swagger, cam, and john waited to see if he would actually do it or if he would back out.

toby closed his eyes, taking a couple deep breaths. he opened his eyes again after a few seconds.


everyone stared at him.

"holy shit.." jay mumbled.

mason lunged forward, attacking toby in a hug. jay joined and soon everyone else did as well.

"im proud of you toby," cam told him. smiling widely.

after everyone left john kissed toby hard.

he wanted to show him how proud of him he was. cause he was really really proud.

"goodness toby, look at how far you've come. you talked today, you seem happier, you trust more. you're doing amazing baby," john kissed him again.

toby smiled, "thank you..i feel happier."


text message: from cam

hey bitchh, jaren and i are going on a lunch date later today. do you and john wanna come?

"hey john," john hummed. "do you want to go to lunch today with jaren and cam? like a double date?"

"yeah of course, where?"

" i don't know yet.." toby looked back down at his phone.

toby : yeah! where at?

cam : perfect! at the small café a couple blocks from your house. see you at 11:30?

toby : yep yep :)
read 10:40

"we should get ready now, cam said 11:30 and its already almost 11 soo. i guess we wont shower." john groaned.

"cam is bad at planning things." toby laughed and nodded.

*TW: use of the word f*g*


john sighed, they just got to the café and as soon as they walked in jaren is yelling at another costumer.

"jaren! what's going on?" john lightly pushed him back, so he wasn't so close to the poor man.

"this homophobic bitch was being mean to me and cam! love is a human right you jerk! i can show my boyfriend in public if i want too!" jaren yelled at the guy.

"calm down babe," cam whispered.

"gross, f*gs are not welcome in this café. get out!" the man yelled back. toby flinched at the f word.

"excuse me sir, but im sure you do not own the damn café, therefore you cant kick us out." the man rolled his eyes.

"i can if i complain!" the stranger started yelling for the manager, a women approached them.

"how can i help you?" she asked sweetly with a smile.

"tell these f*gs to get the hell out of the café. i do not want to see their disgusting affection!" the women smiled again.

"im sorry sir. but considering i am one of those f*gs, i'm going to have to ask you to leave my café." the man stared at her. he grabbed his stuff and angrily walked out of the café.

"im sorry about that, how about i get you guys some lunch? it'll be on the house!" she walked us back over to our table.

"thank you so much, that guys was a dick!" cam said, pulling the chair out for his boyfriend.

"it's no problem, now can i take your order?"


"do you guys think we'll all last for a while?" jaren asked randomly.

"i'd hope so," both john and cam said at the same time. everyone looked at the two then laughed.

toby looked at his boyfriend, he looked so perfect. toby really really hoped they lasted forever. he loved john so fucking much.

he never wanted him to leave.

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