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this chapter escalates very quickly..also i had to like change john's personality for the sake of the story line.

slight tw: mentions of rape

toby had just woken up, he looked at his phone. 8:07am. they were already missing school, they might as well stay home. toby turned around to see john right in his face. toby gasphed, he forgot john and cam did rock paper scissors to see who would sleep in the bed. john won, obviously. toby studied john's face. he looked so pretty and at peace when asleep.

john suddenly snored and it made toby giggle. he had to cover his mouth to make sure he didn't wake anyone up. john's eyes fluttered open, he smiled when he saw toby.

"good morning, nice view?" john whispered. toby blushed and nodded. john lowly chuckled.

and fuck did toby think that was hot.

not soon after john woke up, cam did. he let them know by very quietly standing and then jumping on the two.

"oh you guys are awake, whoops?" cam said, he laughed at himself. toby threw cam off him and onto the floor.

"damn, I was comfortable. anyways let's get breakfast then go somewhere. it's too late to go to school." the boys all went down stairs and got cereal. then everyone got dressed and piled in cam's car.

"cam where are we going?" john asked.

"patience young grasshopper" cam replied with a chuckle.

"but daddddddd," john said and everyone started laughing.

10 minutes later and they were finally where cam was taking them.

"why the fuck are we at a forest?" john asked confused.

"well..i read something last night about a weird rock thing and if you find it, turn it into the police, you get like 10,000 dollars or something. I thought it would be fun to see who could find it first. I can go alone and you two could go together." cam explained. john and toby gave him a weird look.

"oh come on! it'll be fun!"


after about 15 minutes of looking toby and john were exhausted. they sat down near a tree, habing no idea where cameron was.

"toby, why can't you tell me why you wont talk? do you not trust me?" john asked out of the blue.

toby shook his head.

"then why? doesn't everyone else know?"

toby shook his head again.

"but cam knows"

toby nodded.

john thought for a bit, biting his lip.

"please tell me, I swear I wont tell anyone else."

toby sighed and shook his head.

"please toby"

he shook his head again, why wont john just drop it?

"god sakes just tell me!" john half yelled.

toby shook his head more violently.

"god sakes toby! I've been so nice to you! what is it? you can't trust me? do you not like me? why do you only talk to cam?" all these questions were making toby anxious, and he could feel himself on the urge of a panic attack.

"what happened that screwed you up so badly!? you know cam told me you were cutting, it fucked you up that badly?" toby's eyes were widen, it was get hard to breath, he couldn't believe cam told him. "did your mom die? did your dad die? did someone commit suicide? did someone rape you? what the fuck happened?" toby winced at the last one. both him and john were standing now. toby was scared as hell, he never knew john was like this. and to think he was growing a crush on him.

"that's it isn't? someone kidnapped you and raped you huh? why didn't you tell me? so I could help. why didn't you say someone raped you toby, it would of been so easy. why didn't-"

"STOP IT!!" toby cut john off before he could say another word, "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED! T-THIS IS WHY!" john took a step back, definitely not expecting the random outburst.


"tob-" john tried to say, but he was interrupted. toby did something he never expected himself to do, he slapped john. and unfortunately cam was there to see it happen.

"toby?" toby turned around, there cam stood. looking worried and kind of scared. toby panicked and then ran.

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