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toby was suddenly awake but his phone going off a million times.

toby get the hell up

you're gunna be late

and we both know you can't afford that



oh my goodness toby wake up








all from cam, no surprise. toby quickly texted him back, im awake he said simply. he turned his phone off and quickly got ready for school.


school was always exhausting. every day teachers would try and get toby to talk, it never worked, but they still tried and it was really annoying.

"toby!!" toby turned around quickly to the sound of cams voice. "hey! so my friends and I are gunna hang out today after school...you should come," toby gave cam a weird look. "I know you dont like being around other people but there is this new guy, his name is john, he is really nice and funny. I want you to met him. hell, he might be the first person you talk to that isn't me!" cam joked.

toby really hated going with cam and his friends. he didnt have a problem with them, but he always felt like a burden since he never talked. but he agreed anyways. he was definitely going to regret this later.

it was the last hour of the day, and toby was regretting agreeing to hang out. but he couldn't bail on cam. toby was actually kind curious to met the new kid. what was his name again? joe? something like that.

"toby! pay attention please. I know you don't talk but you aren't deaf." toby turned red when the teacher yelled at him, making him pay attention. the teacher yelling at him made is anxiety spike even more, which he did not need.

there was only 5 minutes class left. the teacher gave up teaching and was sitting at her desk. students were already packing up and huddling around the door. toby stayed seated, maybe he could tell cam he got detention. then he started thinking of all the ways that could go wrong and decided not to.

unfortunately the bell rang. all the students rushed out of the classroom, as toby unenthusiastically left the room. cam's locker was on the third floor and poor toby was on the first.

three cases of stairs later and toby was finally at cam's locker. everyone was already there, cam, javen, swagger, jay, mason, and a guy toby didn't recognize. it must be the new guy.

"toby!! I didn't think you would actually come," cam chuckled. toby gave a small wave to everyone, who all said hi back.

"oh yeah! this is john, the new one you know."

john smiled, "hi, you're the toby guy I've heard so much about!" toby smiled awkwardly, and looked at cam with a look saying 'did you tell him?!'.

cam's eyes widened, "of shit, um toby doesn't talk..like at all. he's a mute"

"okay good, I thought you were just being a dick," everyone laughed, toby smiled. then again, he felt like he shouldn't be here.

as they walked down the hallway and out of the school everyone was laughing and making stupid jokes and all toby could do was smile and nod. he hated not talking, but he didn't like talking to anyone other then cam, he couldn't risk it again.

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