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it's been three days since the kiss. john and toby haven't even talked about it, but they keep kissing whenever they can. no one knows yet or has found out. which toby feels really guilty about. toby only verbally talks to john whenever they are in private, in case someone suspects something.

"john? what are we," toby asked quietly. they were at toby's house, playing players unknown battlegrounds, or more like john playing and toby watching.

"whatever you want us to be," toby thought about it for a little.

"I want us to be boyfriends."

john smiled "then boyfriends we are" he turned around and pecked toby on the lips before turning back to the game.

"do we tell everyone or?.."

"you can tell who you want"

"okay, well I want to tell cam but I think he should be the only one to know."

john nodded, "okay"

toby told john he was going to go to cam's house a talk to him about it.

with a quick kiss, toby started walking to cam's house.


"you what?"

toby twiddled his fingers, "me and john are-are dating."

cameron stared at him for a long while.

"let me get this straight. a couple days ago he almost got you killed, and now you're dating?" cam asked.

toby nodded.

"what the fuck toby?"

toby looked confused, "what?"

cam sighed, "you don't date someone who almost kills you! that is such an idiot move. what if he does it again huh?"

"he-he wont. he promised" toby tried to argue back.

"not everyone keeps their promises. goodness toby what were you thinking?" toby frowned, why is cam acting like this.

"why can't you be happy for me?" toby questioned.

"because toby! because of him you were lost in a forest, alone. you could of died! do you not see how big of a deal that is?"

"of course I do! he makes me happy now cameron!"

"god toby you are such an idiot!"

"well at least I can get in a relationship! he makes me happy, why can't you let me have this?"

"well at least I didn't just decided to stop talking after something bad happened to me!! we all have problems toby, so grow up and deal with them like the rest of us!"

cam covered his mouth quickly, "toby im s-"

"no stop. you're right. I need to deal with my problems." then toby left.


toby couldn't handle it anymore. he had just lost his best friend, he's losing every thing. so here he was, laying in his bathtub. fully clothed, with a blade lightly hovering above his arm. he was going to do it, he had to. toby slowly drug the razor vertical up his arm. watching as the blood quickly poured out.

toby could feel himself losing energy. before toby could call for help he passed out.

there was a knock at the front door, and when no one answered they let themselves in. it was cameron.

"toby?" he called out as he made is way to toby's room. no one was in there. he walked to the bathroom, he could here the water running.

cam knocked, "toby? you in there?" no answer. cam tried to open the door but it was locked. this is when cam started to panic.

he banged on the door a couple more times, "TOBY THIS ISN'T FUNNY!! OPEN THE DOOR" no answer.

cam had to ram into the door to get it open. and the sight almost made him throw up.

"holy fucking shit" he quickly called for an ambulance, explaining the situation and telling them to hurry.

cam turned the water off, and grabbed a couple towels. he was crying a lot by now. he tied to towels at the top of toby's arms, to try and stop blood flow.

the ambulance arrived and took toby on a stretcher. they didn't allow cameron to go into the ambulance so he threw himself into his car and followed the ambulance to the hospital. he prayed to god toby would be okay.

when cam got to the hospital he followed the stretcher in until the made him go to the waiting room. he texted his friend groupchat, 'guys get to the hospital quickly. something happened to toby, i'll explain when you get here' no one replied but every one saw so he assumed they are on their way.

'god toby you better be okay'

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