Chapter 4

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About a month after it was announced that he was going to be a starting quarterback it was the first game of the season and it was also Frankie's birthday. Bucky woke up next to his girlfriend Sasha and very carefully removed her and grabbed his phone and went into the living room of his dorm that he shared with his 3 best friends. He tried calling her first but she didn't answer and then he sent her a text.


"Happy Birthday to my gorgeous best friend I wish you would talk to me I miss you. What's going on with you Frankie it's almost been a year and I still haven't heard from you. I love you best friend I wish you were here cheering us on." 

*Read at 9:35AM*

He sighed and threw his phone when the bubbles didn't pop up that she was typing. Sam came out and said "I got the same thing man. I wish we knew what was wrong." 

"Yeah." Bucky said

He went into his room and started to get ready for the game. As he was brushing his teeth he heard the song that him and the boys always played to get pumped up when they played in high school and that was "Thunder" By Imagine Dragons. Bucky kept checking his phone and Sasha left to get ready for the game as she was cheerleader. 

Back in Savannah Frankie got up and put on a Georgia Bulldog t shirt braided her long blonde hair into two french braids with black and red ribbons. She went into Sloane's room and said "It's a big day little Sloane it's the first game of the season let's get you ready." 

She put a Georgia Bulldog onesie on her with some black baby leggings and red socks and a red and black head band and bow. She came down the stairs and said "Daddy look." as she showed him Sloane.

"Oh it's perfect I love it." he said as he took her. 

Bucky and the boys got to the field and they got to the locker room Bucky kept checking his phone and he whispered "Come on Frankie don't let me down baby please don't break tradition." It was tradition that she always text him a good luck message before every game and they agreed to keep the tradition going in college. 

She found the remote and turned it to the channel the game was on and sat down in the floor with Sloane laying in between her legs. She had her phone sitting beside and her dad said "Frankie did you text him." 

"Um no he's going to be fine. He can do this." she said

"Frankie if he has a bad game it will be on you." her dad said

"He's not going to have a bad game." she said 

Bucky checked his phone one last time and slammed his locker door and grabbed his helmet and walked out with the boys. She laughed when she seen their interactive player card up on the screen. "You boys such heartbreakers." she said. 

The game started and she whispered "Come on best friend you can do this." 

Frankie cheered from her living room with her parents as she breastfed and burped and changed Sloane. After the games was over Bucky was disappointed in himself cause he knows he could of played better than what he did. Even the coach came in and said "Barnes!" 

'Yeah." he said

"What was that out there." coach said

"First game jitters I guess." he said as he slammed his locker and left. 

Sasha was at his truck and she said "hey baby." 

"Hey darlin." he said as kissed her cheek. 

When they got back to the dorm he took out his frustration from Frankie ignoring him and the bad game out on Sasha during sex and she said "Bucky baby you need to stop please." just as he finished. He rolled off of her and she said "Bucky what is wrong with you today? That was actually hurting." 

"I"m sorry." he said

She started to get dressed and she said "Look call me when you are done moping around over Frankie. She was a slut maybe she got what she deserved and didn't want to come back." 

"Sasha get the hell out of my dorm right now we are done." he said 

"Gladly." she said as she grabbed her stuff and left. 

Sam came in and said "What the hell was that fight about?'

"I got to rough during sex and then she called Frankie a slut and I shouldn't be moping around about her." Bucky said.

"We are all feeling the loss of her and we don't even know what's going on but geez Bucky no need to get all rough during sex." Sam said

"It was just that. The game today was because of Frankie she broke our tradition I wish I knew what was wrong. If she was in trouble she knows she could come to me." he said 

Sam said "I know man she knows that she could come to any of us." 

Bucky got up and took another shower and then went to work out 

That night George Frankie's dad took his truck to get looked at and James said "Hey George.. did you see my boy today?'

"I did James he's well on his way to the NFL. " George said

"I know.. How's Frankie? He's been super worried about her." James said

"Frankie is just going through some stuff she just wants to be alone. She called it soul searching." George said 

James looked at him and said "George I've known you a long time and I even played football with you in high school and college I"ve never seen you seem so stressed out." 

He chuckled and said "Yeah well I have 20 year old daughter." 

"Yeah they can be tricky believe me Rebecca was a handful." James said 

James finished up his truck and sent him on his way. "Hey James just tell him..tell him Frankie is okay she just wants some space right now and that she is watching and cheering him on from home she even got all cheerleader today and sat in the floor and cheered on the boys." George said as he paid. 

"Will do George." James said

About an hour later James closed up the shop for the night and he called Bucky on his way home. "Hey James." he said

"Hey dad you called to yell at me too." Bucky said as he drank a beer.

"No I called to say you did great your first game out. George came by the shop you are right something does seem off. But he told me to tell you that she was watching today and she was cheering you on. He said that she even got all cheerleader today with braids and glitter and ribbons but she is doing something called soul searching and just wants some space but she is okay." James said 

He laughed and wiped tears and said "Thanks dad." 

"I know it hurts son you two have always been close but just let her come to you when she's ready that's all we can hope for right now." James said

"Yeah.." he said

"I love you James Buchanan I'm almost home I'll talk to you later." James said

"Love you too dad." he said 

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