Chapter 6

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They walked in and Melinda said "BOYS!!!" 

They all 4 stopped along with the girls and she said "I will not have you upsetting my daughter even more I've already lost so much because of this secret. Her daddy left me cause I refused to let my daughter be redicule and I will not have you all making her feel worse. So please slow your roll before you go downstairs to do you hear me." 

"Yes ma'am" Bucky said 

He calmed his anger down and started to walk towards the basement. They followed him down stairs and he looked at her as she was laying on the couch with Sloane. He swallowed hard and said "Frankie why didn't you call me when you were in trouble?'

She closed her eyes and he walked over to her and said "Frankie..." 

"Because I didn't want to hear I told you so." she said 

"Francesca Monroe you could of told me this regardless of the fact that yes I have told you this would happen if you weren't careful but if you had told me that you thought Karson laced your shots then I would know that it was not entirely all your fault." he said 

"But I don't know ." she said

"Then that's why you should of told me darlin so I could help you." he said 

She sat up and looked down as she sat Sloane up on her lap. "It doesn't matter Bucky you said it yourself Ryan called me a slut they would probably blame someone else." she said 

Sam walked over and sat down beside her and said "But we know you Frankie we know who you are. All you had to do was call us and tell us something was wrong and we could of helped you figure all this out." 

She looked down and "Guys um can you give us a minute" Bucky said 

"Yeah." Wanda said as they all went upstairs 

Bucky sat down beside her and he said "I knew something was wrong that night when you wanted to go home that's why I said no more parties. But it hurt me Frankie that you felt like you couldn't come to me and tell me that you were in trouble." 

She looked at him and he wiped her tears and he said "Baby doll I'm your best friend and you always come to me." 

"I just I was scared and disappointed in myself and embarassed and now everything is such a mess. My dad left my mom cause he got tired of keeping my secret from everyone. What was I suppose to do Bucky? If I had walked on that campus and found them they would just told me they didn't care." she said 

He rested his forehead against hers and said "Baby haven't I always protected you punched boys for hurting you." 

"Yeah but I." she said but he cut her off 

"Shut up Frankie now who is the beautiful little darlin that looks like she was dug out of your ass." he said with a smile. 

"Um this is Sloane Brooke Dallas." she said as he took her and said "Hey there little darlin." 

Sloane was chewing on her fingers and he said "She does look like you as a baby. We were friends a baby it likes looking at you all over again." 

Frankie rolled her eyes and he said "Blue eyes and barely any blonde hair" 

"Shut up.." she said 

"I want you to come back darlin.. I need my cheerleader." he said 

She said "Buck I can't cheer I have her to take care of." 

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