Chapter 7

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Frankie was able to get back on at UGA with her academic scholarship and able to enroll Sloane into the campus daycare. Bucky found Karson and Ryan on campus with her as they were walking to class and she said 'Buck don't say anything." 

"Boys.." he said 

"Oh hey Barnes what's up? Oh look Ryan it's Frankie." Karson said "Where have you been baby?' he added

"Back off my girlfriend I want to ask you something Karson that night you drugged her to get her in bed do you remember if you used a condom." Bucky said 

"Dude I don't wear rubbers." he said 

"Buck just let it go.." she whispered 

"I wore one and checked it Barnes. But what is this about?' Ryan said 

Bucky pulled out his phone and said "See this little girl she's 6 months old and Frankie here left because she felt embarassed that she slept with both of you and couldn't figure out who this little girl's daddy is. Well guess what now we are and you are going to pay child support." 

Ryan said "Dude I'll take paternity test if you want I checked the condom though." 

"I'm not doing a damn thing to help her>" Karson said 

"Okay you want to play hardball." Bucky said

'Bucky please ." Frankie whispered 

Sam came up and said "My dad is a lawyer Karson he can get a piece of paper forcing you to take the paternity test." 

"Go ahead." Karson said as he was about to walk off he said "I hope you enjoy your slut of a girlfriend" and Bucky hauled off and punched him and said "I said the same thing to Ryan and I'll tell you she's not a slut" 

Karson punched him back and said "Yes she is." Bucky punched him again and he said "She is not a slut. You drugged her and threw the party just to get her in bed. She hadn't been with anyone else before Ryan you fucking asshole." 

Karson stood up and went stood up and punched Bucky back and Ryan said "Is that true Frankie."

"Yes it's the fucking truth. That night was the first night I had been out since my ex broke up with me the day before my birthday. I was with him for 3 years I just wanted to have some fun." she said 

"Frankie I am so sorry I said what I said. I'll take the test if you want me too." Ryan said 

Karson wiped blood from his nose and said "You won't get nothing from me" 

She and Bucky walked to their dorm and she put ice on his eye and she said "Bucky I told you to leave it alone and now look at you a black eye and busted lip and a bloody nose. And busted knuckles" 

"I always fight for you." he said 

"I know you do baby but this was more than just a 2 punch fight." she said 

Sam called his dad and he was able to get a subpoena for Karson to take a test after he explained to his dad that she was drugged. The person that delivers papers found Karson on campus the next day and said 'You've been served." He opened it up and saw that if he didn't show up at the lab at the time and date it said that the police would arrest him. 

On Friday the day that they all went to the lab. Ryan did his swab and the nurse did a swab from Sloane and Karson walked in with his dad forcing him in and his dad "Sorry we are late Ms Dallas." 

The nurse got a swab from Karson and both Ryan and Karson went out to the waiting room. The nurse said "Is there anyone else that you have been sexual with Ms Dallas." 

"Um no I mean my boyfriend and I are having sex now but we just got together a month ago. " she said 

"OKay. well you can go wait in the waiting room." she said

Frankie and Sloane left the room and Bucky said "Um Nurse Kathy.. you need to swab me." 

"But she said that you two just got together." she said

"She doesn't remember cause she was drugged she and I had sex that night too. I took her home after she asked to go home we hooked up." 

"Okay.." the nurse said 

She came over and swabbed Bucky. Then he went to the waiting room and she said "Everything okay." 

"Yeah baby.. um I need to tell you something and I want you to know that I didn't mean for this to happen." he said

"Okay.." she said 

"I had her swab me.. um baby you don't remember what happened when we got back to the dorm do you?' he said

"Um no why?' she said 

He leaned in her ear and said"Baby we had sex that night after we got home. You and I fucked so hard in the shower I was trying to get the puke out of your hair and you and I had sex. You told me that was why you always kept your distance at parties." 

"Oh.." she whispered. 

*3 hours later...*

"Dallas" the nurse said 

They all went back and the nurse said "Okay.. Ms Dallas we compared all DNA samples. Mr Pierce you are free to go. Karson Jameson you are not her father but we need you stick around cause your DNA sample showed up somewhere else on file. Karson left the room and Mr Barnes she's yours. You probably Ms Dallas had just started to ovulate when you had sex with Mr Barnes so did you pee before you went home from the party." 

"Yeah I always pee after sex." she said 

"Good that's probably what saved you. So here's your results and  you can send them in to get her birth certificate fixed and her last name changed." the nurse said

"Okay.." she said as she took the paper.

Bucky picked up Sloane and they went out to the car and he said "Baby are you okay?'

"Buck why didn't you tell me." she said 

"Because I felt bad cause you were so drunk and I didn't want you to think that I took advantage of you." he said 

She looked down and he said "But I love you baby. And I'm glad that she's mine." 

She smiled and said "Me too." 

Why Didn't You Call MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora