Chapter 5

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It was Christmas break and Sloane was now 5 months old it was the night before New Years Eve. Frankie was laying on the couch watching tv with a sleeping Sloane in the basement when Natasha and Wanda had enough of the silence and they rode together over to Frankie's house. They rang the door bell and Melinda answered the door and said "Girls can I help you?'

"We want to see Frankie.. we miss her." Wanda said as Melinda let them in.

"Okay.. give me just a minute girls let me see if she wants any visitors." Melinda said

Melinda went down to the basement and said "Baby you have the girls upstairs they want to see you. And baby they seem pretty determined." 

She sighed and Melinda said "Baby these two girls have been your best friends since ballet days when you all were 2 years old they have kept many secrets for you. If you don't want the boys to know then I'm sure they won't mind keeping the secret for you." 

"Yeah.. I guess send them down." she said 

Melinda went back upstairs and said "Okay girls listen to me. Frankie has been through a lot and she really needs you two to hear her out and not past judgement on her." 

"OKay." Nat said 

They went downstairs to the basement and Frankie was sitting up with Sloane sitting in her laying beside her. She swallowed hard when she heard them coming down the stairs and she said "Shh.." 

Natasha and Wanda both stopped in their tracks when they realized why she was was shushing them. "Frankie what happened to you?' Nat whispered.

"You remember that Halloween weekend when we went to those two parties." She whispered

"Yeah." Wanda whispered 

"I um I got pregnant by either Ryan or Karson.. I know Ryan used a condom but I'm pretty sure Karson laced my shots cause I really don't remember much of sex with him I just remember wanting to go home when it was over cause I felt off." she whispered

"This is why you bailed and kept your distance cause you got pregnant." Natasha whispered.

"Well it's embarassing Nat when you get pregnant by complete accident and you don't know who the father is and your best friend tells you that if you don't slow down this is going to happen and when it does the last thing you want to hear is I TOLD YOU SO" she whispered. 

Nat shook her head and whispered "We are your friends Frankie we would never pass judgement we know not everyone is perfect." 

She looked down and said "I dont want the boys to know." 

"No we are not being dragged into your lie all this time soul searching my ass." Natasha said

"Nat please.." Frankie said

"No this is one secret we will not keep for you. You have hurt Bucky so deep all because you didn't want to hear I told you so. We are suppose to be your friends Frankie and you pushed us away when you should of been asking us for help." Wanda said as they both got up and left. 

Natasha called Steve as soon as they got in the car and said "Where are you boys."

"We are at the farm drinking beers and shooting why?' Steve said

Natasha said "We are on our way." as she squealed her tires to go in the direction of Bucky's farm. She pulled in and parked the car and they both slammed their doors. 

"Damn girls who pissed you off" Clint said 

"We just left Frankie's house." Wanda said

Bucky said "Frankie actually let you see her." 

"Oh we more than saw her we know why she's been hiding out." Natasha said 

"You two seem very pissed off what did she say?' Steve said 

"She got pregnant by either Karson or Ryan but her bet is on Karson cause she remembers Ryan using a condom and she doesn't really remember the sex with Karson cause she's pretty sure he drugged her. She has a 5 month old baby girl that looks exactly like her named Sloane. She felt she couldn't tell us cause A) She thought we would be mad at her and B) she didn't want to hear told you so from you Bucky." Natasha said 

Bucky ran to his truck and sped off. Frankie was crying as she was feeding Sloane when she heard tears squealing as they pulled into her drive way. Melinda knew that they would be coming over once she knew that the girls refused to not keep it a secret. 

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