Chapter 10

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It was during the SEC tournament Bucky was at an away game she was watching it as she was doing homework and Sloane was playing in beside her. Frankie was watching Sam run to do a touch down just as Sloane was trying to climb the coffee table and she lost her balance and hit her head on the coffee table. "Sloane baby oh no.." Frankie said 

"Okay baby.. let's go get you checked out okay." Frankie said as she started to get scared. 

She got them both out of the car at the ER and she went in and said "Hi um my daughter she's 1 um she hit her head on the coffee table I just want to make sure she's okay." 

The nurse gave her some paper to fill out and told her to wait till she called back. They had the game on and she was watching it and said "This is what our life will be like baby daddy away during football season a lot I have to get use to not calling daddy everytime you get hurt." as she wiped tears. 

They called her back and they checked her over and told Frankie that Sloane would be fine. When they got back to the dorm she had Sloane sleep with her cause she was still worried. The next morning she had a bruise on her forehead she was feeding in her oatmeal to her when Bucky walked in and he said "My girls.. oh no Sloane baby what happened?'

"She fell in to the coffee table." Frankie said 

"Is she okay? Baby why did you call me last night." he said 

"Um she's fine I took her to the ER to make sure and it happened during the game." she said 

She looked down and said "Hey look at me what's wrong you sound upset with me." 

"I just realized last night at the ER that this is going to my life  now. Me doing everything all by myself during football season when you go to the NFL." she said 

"Baby look at me then I won't go I will tell them that I don't want to go." he said 

"Buck that's your dream I already gave up mine of cheering professionally I'm not going to ask you to do the same." she said

"Francesca Monroe Barnes look at me baby you are my wife she's my daughter and I told I want more I want to build a life with you. But I can't do that if I'm gone for months doing a job that keeps me from home a lot. You could of still called me after the game was over and said "Hey baby just to let you know Sloane fell she's fine though I took her to the ER. But no Frankie has to be all independent always baby we are married we are a team You and I baby I made a vow to you and I intend to keep it. I won't go to the NFL if it means that I could possibly lose you in the process. I love you Frankie I have loved you since we were 12 years old baby that's never going to change." he said 

She wiped tears and she said "But Buck I told you.." 

"Yeah I know but guess what baby you and I are her parents and my dad told me that day that we told him about her that parents have to make sacrifices and that I may have to choose between being an NFL player which is my dream or using my degree and coaching ball and being with my family all the time. Guess what baby I'm choosing you and my baby girl I will not go to the NFL I will stay here in GA with you. We will graduate and we will move back to Savannah we will move into the house that we got married in and have us a few more babies and teach and coach together at our old high school baby cause that's our new dream together." he said as he held her face then he kissed her. 

"Now.." he said as he went over to Sloane and picked her up and said "Baby girl what are you doing getting all hurt and scaring mama." 

She giggled and he said "Right here is where daddy belongs right baby girl?'

"Dada dada" Sloane said 

Frankie smiled and said "Okay Bucky.. you win."  

He started laughing and said "I always win baby doll." 

He pulled her behind him and he laid down with Sloane on his chest and Frankie beside him and said "This is my life baby with you all I want is this right here with you." 

She smiled and said "okay baby." 

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