Why so Blue?

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I woke up that morning with vertigo (dizziness) and all I wanted to do is just stay in bed but I knew mysteries wouldn't solve themselves. So I got up, got dressed in my basic outfit and headed downstairs. Mabel was down there making her Mabel juice which was disgusting by the way sorry Mabel. She was also baking her famous pancakes too. "Hey Dipper want any pancakes?" Mabel asked as she saw my messy bed head sit at the table. "No Thank you, Mabel, I'm not hungry right now maybe later," I said. "Oh, Okay then," she replied. It was pretty much silent the rest of the morning I was going through the journal trying to find out how to get rid of the blue on my arm. No use. "So what is the plan today Dipper?" asked Ford as he sat down eating some pancakes Mabel freshly baked him. "Oh just the usual," I said looking down. Ford just gave me a look that was uneasy. "Dipper?" Ford asked. "What?" I answered. "You need to tell us what is up. If it has anything to do with Bill y-" I cut him off with lifting my head staring at the wall. "Uhhhh. Dipper? You on earth bro bro?" Mabel asked. Uncle Ford tapped me and my head banged the table. Grunkle Stan came in "What the heck is wrong with the dipstick?" he asked looking at Uncle Ford. "Uhhh. I really don't know." Mabel and Uncle Ford replied. I then fell asleep. 


    It was in that dark and quiet place again with Bill in the corner. "URG! Why did you bring me here again? I literally looked crazy in front of them!" Bill laughed. "What is wrong with being crazy? I brought you here because we need to talk business." I rolled my eyes. "What business Bill?" He looked at me and pulled out a desk and said: "Sit." I sat down and looked at the Dorito and just stared at him. "Okay, Pinetree when you are done staring at me we can talk." I blinked and got out of the zone. "OH! Sorry." I said, "Okay so what color suit do you want to wear when I take over your body?" My eyes widened. "THAT'S WHAT YOU KNOCKED ME OUT FOR!? A SUIT!!!" I yelled. "Yes, it's really important." I rolled my eyes once more. "Sure. But you CAN'T take over my body! I will have Uncle Ford but a metal protector inside my mind to keep you out!" I yelled acting all smart. "Fine then what if I don't take over your body but we make a deal?" I looked at him and raised a brow. "What's the deal?" He snapped his hand and pulled out an outline. "GLAD YOU ASKED! So I would be able to kill whomever I want in your family but your safety," he explained. "WHAT?! HELL NO!" I yelled. "Then what do you pick? Family or possession?" he asked. "NEITHER!" I answered. "Fine. We will have to do this the hard way." he snapped and wild dogs appeared. "What are you doing with those?" no answer. "hello?" no reply. "WTF CIPHER!" no answer again. "attack," Bill said acting really bored. I ran and ran away trying to get away from these rapid dogs but a tripped over nothing really and fell. "No please. Get away!" I begged. I was backing away with my strength but suddenly the alpha of the pack bit me in the leg. Then the light again but it just covered me. 



     I was just writing in my scrapbook then suddenly I heard "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" from the voice of Dipper. I ran down the stairs and see Dipper at the table holding his leg. Blood was coming from it, it looked like a dog bite. I ran to go get Grunkle Stan and Uncle Ford they were in the basement which is voice proof. No wonder they couldn't hear Dipper. I typed the code into the keys and it opened. I went down the elevator and yelled: "DIPPER NEEDS HELP HE IS HURT!" their eyes widened and ran with me to Dipper. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" Uncle Ford asked me. "I don't know all I know is I was writing in my scrapbook and heard Dipper scream." We came up the elevator and then ran to Dipper. He was now covered in bites. "How are these appearing on his skin without movement?" I asked. Uncle Ford answered, "I DON'T KNOW!" Dipper was calm for now but I realized that he was asleep. "he is asleep?" Grunkle Stan examined his face. "Yup she is right," he said. Dipper began to scream again. "NOOOOOOOOO! STAYYYYY AWAYYYYYY!!!!!" Grunkle Stan started shaking Dipper but then Dipper got up out of the chair and began walking aka limping since he was obviously hurt. "What is he doing?" Uncle Ford asked. "I don't know," I answered. Dipper fell to the ground and yelling "STOPPPPP. PLEASE!!!" he was being dragged by the leg out of nowhere. Dipper began to be bit even more. Dipper hit random places of air and was let go by whatever that was and ran I could tell it was a struggle for him. He hit the wall because he was in a dream and I will admit it was funny but the thing that happened after was not funny at all. "BILLLLLL I WILL CHOOOOOSEEEEEE! PPPPPPLLLLLLLLLEASSSSSSSE STTTTTOOOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!" We all looked at each other with our eyes wide and ran to Dipper and shook him multiple times he wouldn't budge. "Is he dead?" I asked tears fell down my face. "I don't know" The Stans Said. 


Dipper POV

The pain was so real. I was in pain everywhere! I felt the movement of shaking but no one was shaking me. I have no clue what it was. Bill floated over me saying. "I'm listening." I looked at him in pain so angry. "I am blue." That was the only words that he knew that I was picking to be possessed when the blue consumed me fully.  "Okay, it's final. Now, what color suit?" he asked trying to be funny. I answered with, "Black and white." and bill looked at me in disappointment. "Boring but okay! Now you should go back to your family who is shaking you." That is what it was. "Wait you're not going to heal me first?" I asked in desperation. "Nah I like seeing you in pain." Then the light came and took me away. 


Mabel POV

We were shaking him and shaking him but no use. He was lifeless. I began to sob and sob. I can't believe I just lost my brother to Bill! Again! It was a couple of minutes of us crying toghether and then Dipper sat us gasping for air. "DIPPER!!!" I was so happy he was alive. 

Dipper POV

I gasped for air craving it. I saw everyone was crying by the looks of their faces then I looked at my arms and legs. They were full of bite marks. "What Happened?" I asked Mabel. "You were attacked by some invisible dogs of some sort. You kept yelling. You're hurt pretty bad." I was shocked. "My dream transferred to reality?" I accidentally said out loud. "Was Bill in your dream?" Uncle Ford asked. Should I give in and tell them or keep them safe. I don't need to worry them about a little blue. I have to keep this to myself. "Nope. Just I don't know how these bite marks got here." I lied. "YOU'RE LYING! YOU WERE CRYING TO BILL OUT LOUD IN YOUR DREAM!!!" Grunkle Stan yelled. "Okay FINE! He was in my dream and that's all dammit!" I said. "What do you have to choose?" Mabel asked. "A color suit." Technically I wasn't lying here. "Why would Bill be asking about a suite?" Uncle Ford asked. "I don't know," I said. "Why did Bill send those dogs to attack you?" Mabel asked. "I don't know I said I didn't want to pick a suit" I lied again. Mabel began to cry. "We have to kill Bill," she said. "WOAH. Mabel calm down I am Fi-" I began to say but the blue hurt again my arm. "Why does only that arm hurt Dipper? Doesn't everything hurt!" Mabel yelled. "Mabel chill," I said trying to calm her down. "Dipper your not telling us everything we need to know! We have to help you could have been dead right now!" She yelled again. "FINE!" I said angrily. "I will tell you everything," I said looking at my bite marks. "So Bill put a blue dot on me and when that consumes I will become his vessel. Then he knocked me out in the kitchen and asked me what color would look good on me for the suit. I said he can't possess me I will have ford put a metal plate in my head. Then he made me a deal that if he kills one of you I will be safe. He said pick one. I said No then he sent the dogs to attack me. That's EVERYTHING!!" Everyone began to cry. "What did you choose?" Grunkle Stan asked. "I picked to let him possess me." Mabel looked at me and began to sob even harder. "I CAN'T LOSE YOU AGAIN!!" she yelled. "You won't I promise." I looked at Mabel and reassured her. Okay everyone should go to bed. "NO!" I said, "S-Sorry I just don't want to go to bed right now." Uncle ford looked at me and said: "I understand but you need to be strong." I nodded and he carried me up to our room and laid me in my bed. "Goodnight Dipper and Mabel please come to get me if you need anything." Grunkle Stan said and we both nodded with saying "Okay". "Dipper?" Mabel said. "I am sorry for yelling at you I was just so scared I almost lost you." I nodded and replied with "It's okay don't worry about it. I love you, Mabel." "Love you too Mason." Did she say my real name? She must have been so worried for me. Why did I tell them? GOD! Then I drifted to sleep. 

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