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It's been three weeks now and it been surprisingly normal. Bill hasn't been in my thoughts and hasn't harassed me. But strangely I have felt worse than I did the last weeks. I've been so worried about what would I have to do with Bill. I can't seem to relax. I just kept thinking and reading my journals for answers. I wanted to know WTF was going on. "Hey, bro-bro!" Mabel came in and said. "AHHHH!" I yelled because I was so focused in my journal. "Still got your nose in that book Dipper!" she said. I nodded still looking through it. "Look its been weeks that Bill hasn't bothered you. So just chill out." I looked up at her. "That's the problem, Mabel. I've been with Bill for almost a year now and he has never left me alone like this. Something is going on." I said with tears in my eyes. She sighed. "Come on let's go downstairs-" then I interrupted her. "NO! S-sorry it's just that I don't want to hurt you. It's just best if I stay up here." I said. "Dipper if you turn into Bill or something again we will be here for you. Just come downstairs. Uncle Ford and Grunkle Stan are worried sick about you." I looked down at my journal then said. "ok." We were heading downstairs then I saw Bill his triangle form in the corner of my eye. "Go away Bill," I said underneath my breath. "What's that?" Mabel asked. "O-Oh nothing." I then said. "Hey grunkle stan Uncle Ford."  they shot their heads up "DIPPER! You are out of your room!" they said all excited. "Y-yeah." Then I saw Bill behind them. "I am going to go to the bathroom real quick," I said and headed there. I locked the door then just stood there sitting on the floor. Then bill poofed out of nowhere. "What do you want Bill?" I asked. "Oh....nothing," he said then snickered. "What?" I said sternly. "You really think you can stop me with a stupid journal?" he said. "You have been watching me?" I asked. "Yup all of those weeks." I then said. "I knew something was up," I said under my breath. Bill laughed. "You missed me Pinetree?" he asked laughing. "NO!" I yelled forgetting that I was in the bathroom "alone". "Haha have fun explaining this to your family who is coming in 3-2-1" Then I heard a bang on the door. "DIPPER!? ARE YOU OKAY OMG!" I heard Uncle Ford yell through the door. "YA IM FINE!" I yelled acting all nervous. Then Grunkle Ford broke the door and they just saw me on the floor laying down. "OMG ARE YOU HURT?!" Mabel asked. "no guys I'm fine." I said. "But we heard you yell No through the door." then I shrugged. Then just walked off. "Dipper wait what happened?" I just gave a confused look. "Nothing happened I swear." then I just went back up to my room. I knew I shouldn't have lied to them but I just don't want them to be scared or worried about me. Then I laid on the bed and sighed. "So convincing," Bill said sarcastically. "Shut up Bill," I said sternly. Mabel then walked in "Bro-Bro please tell me what happened." she asked. "nothing Mabel." I said staring at the ceiling, "Dipper I know something happened please just te-" then I cut her off with "Mabel stop worrying about me I'm fine." I said and looked at her. "okay." she said "I am going to go hang out with Candy and Grenda you can join me if you want." she said looking down. "No thanks I don't want a makeover," I said trying to cheer her up and it worked. She giggled. "Okay love you bro." she said and I said, "love you too." 

~~~~~~~~~timeskip (two days)~~~~~~~~~~

It has been normal as usual I think I was finally recovering from the Bill business. I felt good and happy about my life hopefully Bill won't try to change that. "Pinetree" I heard a voice in my head. "What," I responded. "I need you," he said. "For what?" I responded once more. "just come." he said. "Where?" then I was transported to a castle of some kind. It was huge and yellow and with a touch of blue. The brick pattern was the same as the fearamid and the floors were just Illuminati logos every step I took. Then there was a sign "Pinetree come in here." so I did as I was told and there was an office. Blue chairs with a long oval shaped blue desk. "Sit." Bill said and I did so. "What do you need." I said. "Oh, I need you to wreck some cars for me." I raised a brow. "Huh? Like driving ones with people in them?" he nodded. "What if I kill them." he shrugged saying "oh well." then I looked down and said "how do I do it? Why?" he said, "use your flames and so I can have the extra car parts." I nodded. I had a plan that involved not killing or hurting people hopefully Bill won't be watching me while I do this task. "how many cars do you need?" I asked and he said "two." I nodded and headed on my way. "Oh and Pinetree." I turned around and "Why are you so worried about killing the people in the cars?" he asked. That was a touchy subject. "The reason why is because of my parents they passed away in a car accident." then Bills eyes widened. 

Bills POV

"what color was their car?" I asked worriedly. "red." he responded. Shit, I killed HIS parents! He is going to fucking kill me. I can't let him find out. Or maybe this can be an advantage to him bringing out his true colors. Idea? YES! 

Dipper POV

Why did Bill ask me what color was the car? Strange. Whatever I have business to attend. My plan. I went to the car junkyard and found some newish cars that were just sitting there so I grabbed them with my super strength and headed to Bill. What if he asks if I killed the people I will just lie. Hopefully, he will buy it. 

Bill POV

To my surprise, Pinetree came back with two cars really fast. He was holding them one in each arm. Strange. Time to test him. "did you kill the people?" he looked at me in the eye "yes." I knew he wasn't lying or he just a really good liar. "Now you may go back to your family." then he poofed away. 

Dipper POV

YES! HE BELIEVED ME! I walked into the shack and I was zapped out of it by some field. "WTF!" it hurt but wait. Why did they put the field up? "oh sorry Dipper! You okay?" uncle ford asked me. "yea. But why did you put up the field?" I asked him. "I just had a bad feeling." I nodded and he flipped a switch and the field was down. I had a bad feeling in my gut too when I stepped inside. "What is going on?" I asked. "Huh? Nothing." Mabel answered. "This has a bad vibe to it. You sure nothing is going on?" I asked and they all nodded. I then tried to step on the stairs but I couldn't my foot just wasn't going onto the step. "What the hell?" I said out loud. "What is the wrong dipper?" Grunkle Stan said. "I can't seem to put my foot on the step." Then something blew up. A monster came out of the step it was big and it was very slimy. I held out my hand to zap it but my hand couldn't move either. Then my whole body was numb. "Grab the demon." a man said walking in. "Who are you?" I asked. "I am Mark a detective of the paranormal." I raised a brow. "This has something to do with me because?" I asked. "You may be involved in your mother and fathers death." My eyes widened and I turned red. "Why the hell would you think I would be involved I loved my parents with all of my heart I would never do anything to hurt them. HOW DARE YOU!" I yelled. Uncle Ford walked in and dropped his mug that shattered on the floor. "Who are you and what are you doing with Dipper?" he asked. "You mean Mason?" Mark said. "Huh?" Uncle ford said. "That is my real name Uncle Ford," I said very calmly. "Oh, well anyways who are you?" Uncle Ford asked demanding answers. "I am the detective of the paranormal your great nephew might be involved in your Nephew's death and his wife." His eyes widened as well. "Why do you think that?" he asked. "because it has to do with another powerful demon who has been in contact with Mason." I have been in contact with many demons which one? The demon holding me was holding me tighter and tighter until I couldn't breathe. "But I am not a demon I am a human," I said. "Mason if only you knew your true colors," he said my eyes widened and I turned pale. Then Mabel came down the stairs seeing the monsters back on the last step. She screamed. "Great," I said sarcastically. Mabel isn't going to take the news well. She had depression when our parents passed away. She was self-harming and suicidal. I can't let her be like that again. "Mark, can I talk to you outside?" I asked. "Yes." He said and I winked at Uncle Ford. He nodded. The monster took me outside with Mark and I said. "I prefer you not tell Mabel about the news. She had really bad depression when they died. Just saying our parent's names could get her into a panic attack in a snap. So please let's keep it between us." He nodded. "What are you going to do to me anyway?" I asked. "Just ask a few questions." I nodded. "Ask away," I said. "Where were you the night of your parents passing?" I looked down. "I was in my room looking at some books for school just doing regular homework then the cops showed up at our house." I answered. "Okay, so did you choose to go to gravity falls or did they make you?" I was a little confused. "Before or after their passing?" I asked. "After." I looked down and said "Mabel and I chose to live here because this was our second home to us." he looked down and said "Do you know Bill Cipher?" he asked. I went pale. "yes. Why?" I asked. "How did you know him?" I looked at him square in the eye. "I was here in gravity falls the first summer of 2016 when he possessed me." his eyes widened. "Are you still in contact with him?" he asked. "Yes. He is in my dreams since he is a dream demon." he nodded. "Okay, Mason this may be hard for you and your sister to take in but...Bill Cipher is responsible for your parent's death." I was speechless. I went pale my eyes widened a tear fell from my eye. What? Bill Cipher killed my parents? 

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