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We went back to the shack and I felt great I was finally happy in a while. I felt like I just got out of jail but I didn't do any crimes. I was so, so, so, so FREE! Bill finally left my mind, my soul, my body. I was smiling ear to ear the whole way home. "Dipper. Can I ask you some questions?" ford asked me. "yea sure." I told him. "How do you feel?" I answered with "happy and so FREE!" I said then he asked another question. "do you feel anything of Bill anywhere?" I had to think about this. I looked around at everyone I closed my mind and said "no not at all not anywhere. He is gone the negative energy left us." I smiled wide. Mabel began to cry. "Mabel, what's wrong?"I asked worriedly. "You are back to your normal self. You are the dipper I  have back! Finally!!" they all agreed begging to cry. "Guys. I am back and I am never leaving again. I promise!" Ford dropped his smile. "You can't promise that Dipper. but I know you are strong and you will conquer whoever comes in your way even without your powers." then his smile lifted. Mabel hugged me once more. "I love you so much Dipper!" she said. "I love you too Mabel!" then a negative energy filled the air. "uh oh," I said out loud. "What?" Mabel asked. "b-b-bill." I whispered. "WHAT?!" Ford yelled. "Mason...." I heard a foul voice. It was dark and angry. Why was I sensing this? I thought my demon powers were gone? What is going on? "Mason you are no good to me anymore I don't need you I will take my soul back and leave." I suddenly felt an outranging amount of pain in my heart. It felt like my heart was being split in half. "NOO STOPP HELLPP" I yelled to my family. They looked scared. I fell to the ground in pain. "STOP!" I yelled at Bill. Mabel stepped up. "BILL I WANT TO MAKE A DEAL!" she yelled my eyes widened. The pain didn't stop though. "What kind of deal?" Bill said raising a brow. "Take me instead of Dipper." she said. "its a deal." and put out his hand ready to shake it and Mabel was about it shake it. I couldn't let this happen. I can't let her go through what I did. I got up to my feet and went in between them. "NO DON'T I CAN'T LET YOU GO THROUGH WHAT I DID! I CAN'T!" I said with an angry look on my face. How did he even come back alive I thought in my head. How is he not dead!!! Bill looked angry and shoved him burning hand in my back. I didn't care though I kept standing. It burned a lot. He started to draw something. It was so painful but I couldn't let Mabel do this. Mabel yelled. "STOP BILL!" then I faced him letting my back exposed. Everyone gasped. What did it say? What is it? Why did everyone gasp? "That should teach you a lesson," he said and I asked. "What did you write on my back?" I asked. "Myself." I looked in the mirror it was what he told me. A triangle with an eye. Mabel ran back to Bill and I ran in between them again. Bill groaned. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING PINETREE SHE IS TRYING TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!" he yelled at me. I glared at him with a death stare. "I DONT CARE YOU WILL HURT HER AS YOU HURT ME! BILL!" then I saw in the corner of my eye that Ford was pulling Mabel into a spot. I looked down and it was the bill circle. I ran into my spot and we all held hands. Bills eye widened and he yelled. "NO!" then we began to chant the spell. Bill yelled in pain I enjoyed that! "PINETREE!" then a force upon my foot lifted me up. I didn't break the chant I kept chanting holding their hands. My birthmark glowed. I was fighting Bills grasp. Trying to get free. My demon powers awakened. "WHAT?! IMPOSSIBLE!" Bill yelled. "BYE BYE BILL!" I said a smirked and used my anti-bill spell on him. Then with the spell and chanting, he got sucked into a portal into the nightmare realm. He was going to be stuck there for a while. Gone forever. Finally really FREE! We broke hands and I was covered in my green flames. "Oh uh. They awakened." I said hoping no one would be afraid of me. Mabel ran and hugged me. "ow." she said. I laughed and said "Oh yea here." I snapped my fingers they went away. Then we all hugged. "How are your powers back?" grunkle stan asked. "Oh-" then ford butted in. "His birthmark." then I lifted my bangs and nodded. "it was in me the whole time. I am the big dipper." everyone was confused except ford. "Oh haha. I am not a demon but a sort of hunter. The person who protects people from demons like Bill." we all laughed. "Makes sense because you are always so protective of us." Mabel said and Wendy agreed. We were all happy. "So are" Mabel asked. "yes forever and always." I felt so free once again but I knew I actually was. "I love you guys." we all hugged again.

~~~~~~~~~~~timeskip (6 hours)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It was time to go to bed and I was so nervous. What if I see Bill there seeking revenge. I was so scared. I don't want a nightmare. Mabel and I walked up to our room and I looked at my bed frightened. "What's wrong bro-bro?" Mabel asked. "oh um I just don't want to see Bill in my dreams that's all." I said. "Just go to bed bro you will be fine." I lay down and immediately fell asleep because I didn't sleep the last two days I think. I don't remember haha. Anyways my dream was so nice no bill. I slept very well that night. No bill finally. I woke up and put a smile on my face. Mabel woke up seeing me like this and raised a brow "Let me guess no bill." she said also smiling. I nodded and got up and got dressed. From here on out this is my life. I love it. No bill but I can't promise that is forever. Bill will come back one way or another. I just have to be ready. I am ready.  

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