X. Stay On The Ship As Long As Possible

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Jack put his finger to his lips, signaling to keep quiet as LoveJoy walked around, his footsteps heard in the water.

I shivered as my lips quivered. I would by lying if I said I wasn't terrified. I squeezed Jack's hand, and relief overpowered the fear when he squeezed back. I looked over to him, and he was carefully peaking over the tables. The water was rising repeatedly.

"Stay here," Jack said in barely a whisper. I nodded, my lips still quivering vigorously. Jack carefully and quietly left, and I was alone. The fear came flooding through me as Jack was nowhere in sight. My hand accidentally hit the water, and LoveJoy's footsteps stopped abruptly.

I heart him walking closer and closer. I kept quiet in hopes he wouldn't find me, but my shivering and shaking was causing the water to make noise. I was done for.

"I've been looking for you, miss," LoveJoy sneered, pointing his gun right at my head. I closed my eyes tightly, awaiting my death. Then I heard a splash of the water, and when I opened my eyes, Jack had tackled LoveJoy, keeping him from killing me. LoveJoy shoved Jack, causing him to fall backwards.

"Jack!" I yelled. I punched LoveJoy in the nose, stunning him for a second, then he shoved me as well.

"Don't touch her!" Jack yelled, he stood up, and punched LoveJoy right in the gut, "Compliments of the Chippewa Falls Dawsons!"

Jack grabbed my hand, and we ran for the door, which to our luck, was locked. Jack ran towards the door, breaking it open. Jack grabbed my hand once again, and we ran to a set of stairs, went down them, and hid. Jack put his finger to his lips, his hand never letting go of mine. LoveJoy went up, so Jack pulled us down even further. The ship was flooding immensely and when we got to a corridor, there was a little boy, crying. Jack and I looked at him, then each other.

"We can't leave him," I said. Jack nodded and we ran over to him, Jack picked him up and the kid started crying even more. We weren't even half way down the corridor and an angry French man snatched his kid from Jack's arms, yelled something in French, then ran towards the door that was about the bust open.

"You're going the wrong way!" We yelled. That door was going to break and release all the water it had been holding, which would flood the hall. Jack and I ran the other way, but water was pouring out of one of the many gates, so we ran back. That door had finally broken and all the water came rushing towards us. It swallowed the man and kid whole, then it was rushing to us. Jack and I screamed, then the water hit us. It hurt. The water carried us down the corridor, we were both screaming, and it slammed us up against the gate. Jack grabbed onto the wall, so I did the same. We pulled ourselves to the set of stairs, and began climbing up them. There was a locked gate that we couldn't open it.

We shook the gate and yelled for help numerous times, yet to no avail. One of the stewards were quickly running away.

"Wait! No! Help us, please!" We begged. He hesitated, then briskly ran over to us. The water was rising faster and faster, we were yelling "hurry" over and over. The keys dropped from the man's hands.

"I'm sorry, I've dropped the keys," He said, then ran up the stairs.

"No, come back!" I yelled. Jack ducked under the water, he was looking for the keys. He came up shortly after.

"Which one is it?" Jack asked.

"The sharp one, try the sharp one!" I yelled. He stuck his arm through the bars and to the lock, fumbling with the key before it opened.

"Go!" Jack yelled, we both ran out of the water and up the stairs. Once we got out onto the very crowded deck, I turned to Jack.

"What do we do now?" I asked. Jack glanced around at everyone on the slowly sinking ship.

"We stay on the ship as long as possible!" Jack said. He grabbed my hand and we ran alongside the ship, which was rising out of the water as it sank further and further into the almost-blackened ocean. I could see my own breath and I felt myself shivering as we ran through the crowed, I was pushed every once in a while Jack was shoving people out of the way, it wasn't very nice, but giving out circumstances, I don't think that mattered. We got the the stern of the ship, which was now in the air.

"Jack," I said breathlessly, he looked down at me, "This is where we first met,"

Jack kept looking at me, then he pulled me close, and kissed my forehead. He kept me close to him. I felt it getting harder to stay in one place as the stern of the ship slowly rose into the air.

Then when it got to a high point, the whole ship broke in half. We all started falling on the ship as it crashed into the water below us, crushing hundreds of people. I screamed with most of the remaining passengers on the ship. After ten stern had settled for a few seconds, it began rising again.

When it was too risky to keep staying where we were, Jack turned to me.

"We'll have to climb over, come on," Jack said. Jack climbed over the rail. The stern was almost straight up in the air.

"I can't," I said, struggling to pull myself up.

"Yes you can. I got you, I won't let go," Jack said, then he pulled me over the railing. The stern was all the way up in the air, straight. People were dangling from the rails, then falling painfully into the water or onto other parts of the ship. The ship stopped completely.

"Why aren't we moving?" I asked.

"I don't know," Jack said. Just as he did, we began to sink.

"This is it!" Jack yelled.

"Oh god," I said.

"Listen to me, (Y/n)," Jack said, "Hold my hand, take a deep breath when I say, the ship is gonna suck us down, do not let go of my hand. Kick for the surface and keep kicking. You trust me, right?"

"I trust you," I said. The water got closer as the ship sank further down.

"Ready?" Jack asked. I nodded, "One, Two, Three, now!"

I took a deep breath as I finally felt the freezing water hit my skin.

hey guys !
sorry if i left anything out, it's been a hot minute since i watched titanic but i wanted to update.

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