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Ashlee's POV
Tonight is the first night of the Kill The Lights tour. I'm so excited and nervous at the same. I just got my hair and makeup finished, and now I'm looking for something to wear. There is a knock on my dressing room door, and I rush to answer it. I see Luke standing on the other side, and I have to remind myself to breathe. He is so sexy. "Just wanted to tell you good luck tonight. I'm heading to meet and greet, but I'm hoping to catch some of your set. You nervous?" He asks with a smile. "So much! Thank you, I'm hoping I don't fall on my face." "Just breathe girl. Once you get on the stage and feel the music, and see the crowd, the nerves will slip away." Luke says. He gives me a side hug before walking away. After I choose the dress I want to wear, I put on my boots and head for the stage.

Luke was right, as soon as I hit the stage, my nerves slipped away. This is probably the best feeling in the world. "How are you guys feeling tonight?" I ask the crowd, getting screams as my answer. "Well if y'all don't mind, I'm going to sing a new song that hasn't been released. I'm hoping to put it on my 2nd record, it's called Next Boyfriend."

"I thought I knew you from somewhere,
Right when you walked through the door.
So please forgive me for staring,
It's driving me crazy where I've seen you before.
Maybe it's the white T-shirt that you're wearing,
The danger in your eyes, or the fingers in your hair.
It's a pretty small town
It's coming to me now
I just figured it out.
You look a lot like my next boyfriend.
I can't believe how much you act like him.
You and me, we'd be unbelievable,
And I'm available."

It didn't take long to realize that Luke was standing side stage, and I was staring at him the whole time. I'm pretty sure he now knows I have a thing for him. This may have been a mistake.

Luke's POV
After meet and greets, I rush side stage to catch the end of Ashlee's set. She is talking to the crowd about a new song she has that she wants to put on her next record. I notice as she's singing she keeps looking straight at me. Surely she's not trying to tell me something. I mean don't get me wrong, she's gorgeous and talented, but she's so young. I don't even think I want to date right now. Ashlee's set ends and she is walking my way. I put a smile on my face and start getting hooked up. "You did good. Amazing actually. Do you want to sing Home Alone Tonight with me in a bit?" I ask her, and watch as she gets excited. "Yeah! I'll see you out there." I wink at her and watch as she walks away.

I've been all over this stage tonight and I'm having so much fun. The next song is Home Alone Tonight and I'm excited to sing with Ashlee. The music starts and I see her walk out. She walks straight to me and and gets close enough that I can smell her perfume. I keep telling myself to focus and that I have to get through the song. "Home alone tonight." I get the last line out, and Ashlee reaches out to hug me. Before I can stop myself, I place my finger under her chin and make her look at me. As soon as her lips touch mine, I swear I see sparks everywhere. We pull away and the crowd is going crazy. What the hell just happened?

The Opening ActOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora