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Ashlee's POV
I'm sitting on my bus hoping that Brandon can get me off the rest of this tour and I can just go home. The things that Luke said really hurt me and I just don't wanna be around him anymore. I'm waiting for Brandon to come tell me that I can go home and I hear a knock on my door. "It's open." I say, and then I see Luke walk in. "What are you doing here? I think you've said enough." "Ashlee, I came to apologize. I never should have said those things. Especially when I don't mean any of it." Luke says, looking like a lost puppy. "I really do like you Ashlee. Can we start over and see where things go." He asks with a nervous smile. I sit there staring at him, with a raised eyebrow, before I let a small appear on my face. "I'll let you off the hook this one time." I tell him as I walk towards him and wrap my arms around his neck.

(2 Days Later)
Today is our day off and I'm so excited about it. It's been a couple days since Luke and I made up, and now we are spending almost every second together. Since the show isn't until tomorrow night, Luke and I are going on our first official date and I can't wait. All he told me was to dress casual. I just finished getting and I hear Luke walk onto my bus. "Ash, are you ready to go?" He asks as I'm putting on my shoes. "Yeah, let's go." I say getting up and kissing his cheek as I walk by.

Luke's POV
I just picked up Ashlee, and she looks amazing. In her simple black shirt and jeans with her headband thing, she takes my breath away. I'm glad that I apologized and that she's staying on the tour. I open the door to my truck and help Ashlee in. Before I close the door, I cup Ashlee's cheek in my hand, and kiss her. "I could live off of those." She says with a flirty smile as I pull away. I wink at her before closing the door and walking around to my side.

When I pull up to the spot where I set up our date, I make Ashlee close her eyes. I walk around and help her out of the truck and walk her to our little picnic spot by the lake. I tell her to open her eyes and they instantly light up. "Luke this is perfect." Ashlee says looking at me with a big smile. We sit down by the water on our blanket and I hand her her container of pasta and a beer. I settle next to her and stare out at the water. "Thank you for this Luke. I don't think you could have planned a better more perfect date." "Thanks baby. I promise that the dates will only get better from here." We sit there eating our dinner and wrapped in each other's arms watching the sunset.

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