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Ashlee's POV
I'm seven months pregnant now, and I'm officially off the road for awhile. Luke has been back and forth doing shows. He is actually wrapping up his farm tour right now and then should hopefully be off until after the baby comes. Brittany, has been over with baby Memphis almost everyday this week. I'm very thankful for that because I lose my mind being in this big house by myself sometimes. "I'm dying to see the nursery." Brittany says while we are sitting on the front porch. "I know, me too. Luke has locked the door and made me promise not to peek. He says he has a couple things left to do before he can let me see it." I tell her with a fake pout. "Hopefully he will finish it up tomorrow. The anticipation is driving me crazy." I continue, causing both of us to laugh. A couple hours later, I'm telling Brittany goodbye as Luke is pulling in the driveway.

Luke hops out of his truck and runs over to me. I go to lift my arms up to hug him, but he drops down in his knees to kiss my stomach. "Oh my baby! I've missed you." He says kissing my stomach again. "Well, hello to you too Luke." I say with a laugh, rolling my eyes. "Hi baby. I missed you too." Luke tells me with a smile, finally kissing me. "How was the last show of the farm tour?" I ask him as we start walking in the house. "It was really good. A party like always. I'm sad you had to miss it. Next year, you and the baby both can go." "I won't miss it. Now, when can I see the nursery?" I ask him with a big smile, wrapping my arms around him in the kitchen. "I have a little bit more to finish on it. I promise it will be done and I'll show you tomorrow."

Luke's POV
(The Next Day)
I got up early this morning so I could finish the nursery. I don't have much left to do. I saved the crib for last and I'm working on it right now. I can't wait to get it finished and to finally show Ashlee. I know that she is going to love it. I can't wait for the baby to get here. Being a husband and a dad is going to be my new favorite gig.

Once I put the final touches on the nursery, I head back to the bedroom to see if Ashlee is awake. I open the door about the time she comes out of the bathroom. "Good morning baby." I say as Ashlee makes her way to me. "Good morning. You got up early." She says kissing me. "I finished the nursery." Ashlee looks at me with bright eyes and a huge smile. "Can I see it now?" She asks hopeful. I. If my head with a smile before taking her hand. We reach the closed nursery door and I turn to look at Ashlee. "Ready?" "Duh!" She says with a laugh. I open the door to the nursery and scoot to the side so Ashlee can walk into the room. I can't stop the chuckle that slips out when I see the look on her face.

Ashlee's POV
I walk into the nursery and my jaw hits the floor. I hear Luke chuckle as he walks up next to me. I look up at him with a teary smile. "Luke, this is beautiful. I can't believe you did all this." I stand up on top toes and kiss him. "This is perfect." "Now all we need is our little bundle to make it complete." Luke says with a smile. "Just a couple more months." I lean up and kiss him again before leading him downstairs to cook breakfast.

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