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Ashlee's POV
I just finished my conference call with Brandon and the label, and it didn't go quite the way I planned. I brought up how Brandon would just up and leave Kerri to handle everything for me, they all told me I was too high maintenance and that I didn't belong on their label. I no longer have a manager or label so I can no longer be on this tour with Luke. I'm walking back to where Luke and the guys are and I see Luke standing there goofing off and having fun. I'm fixing to ruin that. I walk up to him with a smile on my face but he instantly sees through it. "What happened baby? You can't fool me." He says wrapping an arm around me and walking me off to the side.

"I told them how Brandon left all the time and left everything for Kerri to do. I said I wanted a new manager that was dedicated to me and they said that I was too high maintenance and they didn't need an artist like that on their label. Without a label or manager, I can't be on the tour anymore." I tell Luke trying to hold back the tears. Luke wraps me in his arms and kisses me. "I'm so sorry that happened to you baby. If you want, I'll talk to Kerri and see what she suggests we do?" I nod my head and snuggle further into him. "We better get back over there before they send a search party." I say with a laugh before grabbing Luke's hand and heading back to the party.

Luke's POV
I wake up this morning and untangle myself from around Ashlee. I'm meeting up with Kerri in 30 minutes to talk about Ashlee's situation. I texted her about it last night and she's been making lots of calls. Hopefully we can get this all figured out. I quietly get ready without waking Ashlee Jo and I write her a note and quickly walk off the bus. I jump in the truck and head to Kerri's hotel.

When I pull up, Kerri is outside with a smile on her face. I'm taking that as a good thing. "Good morning Luke. I have great news." She says excitedly as I'm walking towards her. "Good morning Kerri. What do we know?" "Capitol Records in Nashville is ready to sign her. They are working up the paperwork now and will fax it here to the hotel. I'm offering to be her manager and our lawyers are contacting her old label to make sure we get everything that is rightfully hers." I look at Kerri with a huge grin. "Thank you Kerri. I can't wait to tell her. Now, what about her touring?" I ask nervously, knowing if she can't tour, she'll go home. "Hopefully we can get all her contracts drawn up and signed today and get her going again. She will have to miss at least the next two shows." Kerri and I talk a bit more before I head back to the bus to tell Ashlee the good news.

Ashlee's POV
I wake up this morning alone in bed and to a note from Luke saying he had an errand to run. I get out of bed and head to the kitchen area to make some coffee. I sit on the couch and cover up in a blanket and start scrolling through Instagram. It's not long before Luke comes through the door with a smile and breakfast. "What's that big smile for? What are you up to?" I ask him, as he leans down and kisses me. "Come over here and get your food and we will sit down and talk." I follow him over to the table and we get situated and start eating. "I went and talked to Kerri this morning and I think we got everything figured out." He says and I let a smile spread across my face. "What did she say?" "Capitol Records is faxing her the papers and they are ready to sign you now. Contracts are being drawn up for her to manage you. You'll have to miss the next couple shows but once everything is done, you can get back on stage. "Oh Luke! Thank you so much. You're my hero, I love you!" I kiss him quickly before grabbing my phone to call Kerri.

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