Chapter 8

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HEY GUYS!!! Well I would like to dedicate this chapter to my all time forever best friend who is amazing and just like wow. You know who you are. Anyway enjoy this chapter, please comment and let me know what you think. If you go to my profile it will give you my social networking sites where you can find me and keep in touch with me. So yeah.




This is the girl that was on Oliver's phone. She was attached to him at the hip. They were arm in arm. I smiled at her. I want her dead. I don't think in being too bitchy about it but she's all up on my boyfriend. Well at least I think he is. We never made it official if we were broken up or still together.

"I'm one of Oliver's friends from back home. Well actually his girlfriend." She spoke with a very thick British accent. I could feel my jaw just drop. Girlfriend? I've been with him for almost a year.

"Girlfriend?" I questioned "Oliver and I-"

"Dakota, this is Hannah. I broke up with her when I left. That's the only reason why I broke up with her was because I was moving so far away. I still loved her when I met you and I love the both of you but..." Oliver trailed off

"You love her more. Don't you?" I said. He deserves her. Not me. But I need him in my life.

He didn't respond. But he didn't have to. I got the message loud and clear.

"So do you want me to move out then? Since the house is in your name." I said trying not to cry in front of her. I didn't want her to see that I was weak.

"I think we should take a break. But you don't have to move out. I'll camp out on the couch and you can have the bed." he said awkwardly.

This is it. Our relationship is over. And I don't think it can be fixed.

"Dakota your free to go home. I'll need to ask you guys to leave while we get her ready to be sent home. You can wait outside the room." My doctor said walking in the door. Everyone got up and left.

He started removing all the wires and stuff from me. There was about only two of them. One for my IV bag and the other one was a oxygen thing that went around my nose. So it wasn't that hard to remove. A pair of skinny jeans, a long sleeve t-shirt, a pair of socks and my converse sat at the edge of my bed. I changed into them. Covering all the cuts that traced my body. I wished that I just hadn't woken up. That I didn't have to go through all of this.

"Here is the address for the hospital you will go to for treatment and this is the doctor that you will be seeing there. She is a good friend of mine and she will treat you nicely." He handed me a card that I slid into my pocket.

Quickly, I threw my long black hair into a pony tail and kept my bangs down. I didn't have any make-up with me so I looked like absolute shit. Not that make-up helped that much.

The door pushed open and I was greeted by a bunch of my friends. One by one they each gave me a hug goodbye before Oliver, Hannah and I went back to the apartment. Great.

The subway ride was really awkward as she kept staring at me. Eyeing me up like I was her prey. She reminded me of a lion in the grass getting ready to pounce on it's prey. I felt really uncomfortable.

The walk to our place was even worse as she kept kissing him and then looking at me. Each time killed me even more. I tried to stay strong. To show that I wasn't weak even tho I was about to reach my breaking point. 

We got to our door and Oliver pushed it open. She plopped right down on the couch. She kicked her legs up like she had owned the place. In the corner by the dinning room table was a bunch of boxes labeled Hannah

"What, are you moving in now?" I questioned walking over to them and looking at them

"That was the plan." She spoke up. I hated the way her voice sounded. Oliver just smiled when she spoke. He loved her. I could tell. Because that's the way he used to look at me. I felt like I was the mess up in their relationship. That I'm the other one. 

"I'm gonna shower real quick." I said heading towards the bathroom. I felt an arm pull me into a different room. It was Oliver, he closed the door behind him. 

"Let me explain, okay." he said. I nodded "The other day when she called, she asked if she could stay here for a while until she found a place for herself. I thought she meant a few days maybe a week at most. But then she brought all these boxes over and I realized that I was wrong. I still love you Dakota, don't get me wrong. I mean I changed my life for you. And the whole you and Mike situation just threw that all away. I still love you, I still love you as much as the first time I said I love you." he said which brought tears to my eyes. "I just don't know if I can trust you again. And then after your attempt, I just didn't know what to do. About us."

"Oliver I still love you too and always will. That's a promise. But the night with Mike came out of no where and it was the biggest mistake I've ever made. Okay? And then the other night, I was drunk off my ass. Who even told you about that night?" I asked

"Mike did, the day after it happened. He called me while we were bringing the boxes into the house. I didn't say anything to you because I thought I loved you. But then Hannah started calling me and texting me and I realized that I still love her. When I moved, I only broke up with her because I was moving so far away. Not because I didn't love her anymore. Then she flew all the way out here and that's when I realized that she was the one for me." he said. I tried to walk out of the room when he stopped me. "Dakota, listen to me. I love you. Okay?"

"But you loved Hannah first." I replied as tears finally flowed from my eyes. 

"But I love you more. When Kate found you, I freaked out. I realized that you did that because of me. And while the doctors were with you and they said that there was a good chance that you wouldn't wake up, killed me. I wanted to die to be with you and not Hannah. Sure Hannah and I had something but I need you more than I need her." He said moving closer to my face. 

Our lips were inches apart, as much as I wanted to kiss him. I couldn't it didn't feel right. Not now. I pushed him away and sat down on the bed

"Then what's with the whole Hannah kissing you and staying in our bed." I asked wiping my tears away "And why did you say those things at the hospital? That you wanna take a break."

"Honestly, I'd rather have that be you. I only said that so Hannah wouldn't blow up in front of everyone like that. But it's going to take some time to get back to where we were. You can stay in our bed tonight with me. I'll talk to Hannah about this while you go shower. Alright love?" he asked kissing my cheek. I stood up and left our room to see Hannah smoking a cigg in our living room. I rolled my eyes and headed into the shower. 

JERI SAYS: Well I just got registered for school. Gross, can someone please shoot me? Once school starts which is on Sep 2, for me I won't be able to update as much because I have stuff to do. Vote, Comment of what you thought of the chapter. I LOVE YOU ALL <3

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