Chapter 9

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HEY GUYS!!! It seems like 5-ever since I updated. So I'll do that for you guys. Sorry if the last chapter was confusing. He likes her, but only said that stuff in front of Hannah so she wouldn't like freak out in front of everyone else. So yeah.



My alarm woke me up. I rolled over to an empty bed. I was alone, I felt more alone now than I have in a long time. I sighed as I swung my feet over the side of the bed. Grey skinny jeans, a black tank top, red, white and black pull over covered my body as I walked out of my room to see Hannah at the stove.

Her long black hair was tied into a messy bun. She was wearing pj shorts and a shoulder cut off shirt. She wasn't facing me when I came out. My stomach made a noise which caused her to look over at me

"Morning." she greeted.

"Morning. Is Oliver here?" I went into the fridge to get a thing of yogurt but they were all missing.

"No, he went to work. What are you looking for?" she asked. I closed the fridge and glanced over at what she was making. An omelette.

"Yogurt." I replied. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetheart. I ate the last one." She said smiling at me. She seemed like she wasn't sorry.

"It's fine." I mumbled


"Ah, Dakota your here! Your not supposed to be here until next week." My boss said as I walked through the door.

"I needed to get out of the house." I said. Mind if I work?"

"Nope, we have a shipment coming in today, you can stock the racks with the new ones." He said

"Alright." I headed to the back and put my bag down in the usual spot.

I went back into the main part of the shop and sat at the counter until the shipment came in. Jackson walked into the store and his eyes got huge as he saw me.

"Dakota! You look amazing. When did you come back to work?" he asked. His black skinny jeans matched his grey Nickelback shirt.

"Um, today. I needed to get out of the house. Things got pretty awkward." I said

"Yeah, the other day I saw a girl over there with boxes and everything. I was pretty sure that wasn't you. Is everything alright with you two?" he asked lighting a cigg

"Well, I mine as well start from the begging if you completely wanna understand. A few years ago I dated Mike. And the begging of the school year last year he tried to get back together with me. During all of this my dad was abusing my mom and I and then she got cancer so he put all of his effort in me. That's when I met Oliver. Him and I started dating. Then one night my dad tried to rape me but Oliver stopped him. I thought I was in love with him, I even asked him to move in and he did. So then towards the end of the year I got into a car accident and was in a coma for about 4 months or so. When I got out I graduated high school and Oliver and I were getting ready to move here together. So he graduates and then its the last night before we leave and he spends the night at his moms house and then Mike comes over and him and I have sex. Mike and I both agreed that it was a mistake and that we would keep it a secret. Then just about two weeks ago, Mike came to visit and he said that him and the rest of our friends were moving up here so he stayed at our house. And the other night Mike and I got really drunk and then Oliver came home and found him and I making out on our couch and then the drunk inside of me tried to have sex with Oliver. During all of this I cut myself thinking that it would help, and it did a little bit. So then when I attempted suicide that's when Oliver found out about the night before we left." I paused "I just figured that if I couldn't keep a relationship that I couldn't do anything else. I thought that he would hate me. That everyone would when they found out. Plus on top of all of that. He received a call from a girl who was very pretty named Hannah who had a heart by her name. Like he doesn't even have one by my name. I just wanted it to end. My whole life leading up to this, I was being treated like crap and being called worthless and just figured that I was since I couldn't keep a relationship with a guy who doesn't deserve me. Then when I woke up in the hospital, Oliver told me that he loved her more than me and that he only reason her and him broke up is because that he was moving so far away. But last night we got to the apartment and then he told me that he loved me and that he just said that to Hannah so she wouldn't blow up in front of everyone. Honestly, I don't know what to believe anymore. All I know is that I can't wait for the concert. I need a night off."

"You do realize the concert's tomorrow right?" he said, he handed me his cigg. "Take a drag, you could use it."

I took it from him and I took a drag. Slowly I felt a little more relaxed. I took another hit and felt more comfortable. "Yeah. I'm excited. Do you think you could stop by and like pick me up?" I asked handing it back to him.

"Yeah. So hey, is Savages in yet?" He asked smiling at me.

"Yeah, I think so. Let me go get it for you." I stood up off my stool and walked back into the T section and sure enough it was there. I grabbed a copy and walked back. I rang it up and he handed me a $20. I checked him out and handed him the change.

"I'll text you when I'm ready to be picked up for the concert tomorrow." I said handing him the CD

"Yeah that's fine, and hey I have some scar cream if you want it. I have no use for it any more."

"Oh, thanks. I'll get it tomorrow then." I said as he walked out. Why would he have scar cream?

JERI SAYS: Well I just wanted to say thanks for reading and putting up with me. Today is my best friends birthday so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I wished her one earlier but yeah. Vote, Comment, Share for me and I'll love you 5-ever.

Can you save my bastard soul? (Book 2 Sequel to Can you fix the broken?)Where stories live. Discover now