Chapter 16

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HEY GUYS!! Well okay, I'm going to be really honest with you guys, I don't know where this story is leading so if you have any ideas please let me know it would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for my really bad updating. Please Vote, Comment, and Share for me. Follow me for more updates. Thanks! Stay Amazing <3


Chapter 16

"Will you marry me?" He asked.

Whoa, that hit me like a big yellow school bus. I didn't see it coming. I mean were both so young and I don't know if I'm ready for this.

"Oliver, I mean... Were so young and everything and to be honest, I don't know if I'm ready to settle down yet. And plus were going through a rough patch right now." I said pulling my arm away from his.

"At least be my girlfriend again. I miss you in our bed at night. In my arms." he begged

"I need time to think. I need a day or so. Well most importantly I need to shower." I walked into the bathroom and slid down to the floor.

"Why was this so hard?" I mumbled to myself. I looked at the clock and saw that it was just about 1 and I had therapy at 3. So I got up and took a shower.

*At the hospital*

Sitting in the waiting room and waiting seemed like forever. I wished it was, I don't wanna be here but I guess I have to be. Talking about what I was feeling is hard, really hard. I mean I barley could with Oliver and this is a complete stranger.

"Dakota?" The doctor called. I stood up and walked towards her.

"Follow me please" She said and we walked to a room where there was a couch, desk and a chair.
The girl at the desk was wearing a suit and tie with her blonde hair tied into a tight bun, she wore little to no make up.

"Hello Dakota, I'm Dr.Stevens." she stood up and shook my hand. "Please have a seat, make your self feel comfortable, weather it be sitting up or laying down, make your choice. Thank you nurse." She said closing the door behind me.

I sat down on the tan-ish color couch. I sat pretzel legged on the couch and I removed my shoes. Hey, she said make myself feel comfortable.

"So Dakota, tell me about yourself." she said

"Well, where do I begin? I attempted suicide three times. I self harmed for most of my life. I have a very weird relation ship with most of the people that I know. I have an apartment here in the city. I have a crappy job at a small record store. I go to school full time. My mother died last year due to cancer and my father is in jail because he raped and beat-ed my mother and I. Lets see, I have what I guess some people would call a boyfriend. I mean were at a rough spot and he purposed to me today thinking it would make up for it, and I don't know. To be honest I'm a really shitty person. Like probably the most shitty-est person you might every meet. The only reason why I came here was so I didn't have to go to the mental hospital." I said.

"That was a mouth full. Now lets talk about something you probably don't want to." She paused "Why did you attempt suicide?"

"I did a few times like two years ago. I don't really feel comfortable talking about it. I mean I barley know you." I said shifting on the couch.

"You nervous?" She asked, I quietly nodded my head. "Well I'll talk about myself a little bit."

She put her clipboard down. "I'm married to my wife of three years. We just adopted a baby boy and his name is Brandon. We have two cats and a lot of gold fish. I became a therapist when my sister attempted suicide when I was 13. She was my best friend and it hit me hard. I wanted to do good and help those in need." She said

"I'm so sorry." I said

"Thank you. Do you want pizza? I can call for it and have it delivered here." She said.

"Sure, I prefer pepperoni." I said.

"Alright, but back to the real question, why did you attempt suicide?" She picked up her clipboard again

"Well, my dad beat me and I had really low self esteem at the time. I self harmed for as along as I can remember. I had ended a relationship really badly and it hurt me. Then one day after school I have had enough. I went into the bathroom, took the whole bottle of pills and slit my wrist and waited for me to pass out. I did eventually but I woke up. My mom was a doctor and she found me on the bathroom floor and helped me out. But my most recent attempt was after my boyfriend found out that I cheated on him two months ago. It was totally not intended. But then the guy who I cheated on him with came to visit and we got drunk and started making out in front of my boyfriend and then yeah." I paused as a few tears escaped my eyes.

"I felt so ashamed at me and just everything in the world where I didn't wanna face the next day. My thoughts started getting to me again and I just couldn't take it. I had screwed up the only good thing my life at the time. And since then it's just been getting worse and worse. I cut all over my body and my best friend had to find me on my bed bleeding out." I said. I didn't bother wiping my tears away

"Dakota, you have been through a lot of I'm glad you showed up today, I want to help you get better. I know it will take some time but I'm willing to get there. Now, we should meet every Tuesday and Thursday at 3. Is that okay with you?" She asked

I nodded my head.

"Great, our pizza is here." She walked to the door and got the box of pizza.

She handed me a plate and I grabbed a slice. I bit down into it and man did it taste good.

"Lets play a game." I said between bites of my pizza

"Like what kind of game?" She asked wiping her hands

"Almost like twenty questions, but I say something about me, it can be anything then you say something about you and we go back and forth." I said 

"Alright, sounds fun. I'll go first. My wife hates pizza and doesn't let us eat it to often." She said eating more pizza.

"Wow, Oliver and I would live off of pizza at times. Especially with our friends, that's all we would ever eat. But okay my turn." I said pausing to think "My last year of high school was probably the best year of my life that I've had so far."

"How so?" She asked 

"Well at the beginning I though I would have to fight once again in order to stay alive and such. But it wasn't like that at all. I met Oliver and we connected right away. We dated the whole year and then my mom died and my dad was sent to jail, so I had the house to myself which let Oliver move in right away and furthered our relationship. I thought my life was perfect, I had a few bumps here and there. Oliver and I were in a car accident and I was in a coma for about three months. Then I woke up, graduated and moved here. But on the last night I was in my old house, I cheated on Oliver with my ex Mike. Then since then it started falling down fill which then caused my last suicide attempt. Which then brought me here." I said eating more pizza.

"Oh. Well we can talk about that another time, because I'm sorry to say that we have ran out of time today. I can wait for our next appointment for next week then?" She looked at me while started typing on her computer.

"Yeah that works, do you want to keep the pizza?" I asked slipping my shoes on

"Yes, if that's okay." She said

"Yeah that's fine. Can you text me when our next appointment is?" I asked writing my number down on a piece of paper

"Sure, have a good day Dakota."

I walked out of her office and went home.

JERI SAYS: Hey Guys!!! I put a lot of work into this chapter and I feel like it came out nice. The next chapter I might have a time jump. I'm not quite sure yet. I don't know when the next time I'll update but please say patient. Please Vote, Comment, Follow, and Share for me. Thanks! Stay Amazing <3

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