Chapter 14

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HEY GUYS!! Well this last week I've been really busy as you can tell. I haven't updated or anything like that. I'm gonna try and update more often because Homecoming season at my school is coming to an end so I'll be free more often. ANYWHORE, thanks for staying with me you amazing little creatures. Stay Amazing <3


Chapter 14

Waking up in Jackson's apartment was different. I felt out of place. Like I didn't belong. Looking around the room I saw that I still had enough time to get ready for work. So I did.

Showering in his bathroom was also different. Feeling like an intruder was something I never felt before. I didn't like the feeling either.

Getting out of the shower and stepping into an empty apartment was different. Quite. There was no one here, except a note on the counter. From Jackson of course. It read:


I had work this morning and early. Feel free to shower, eat and whatever else you need to do. If you need to spend the night again go ahead. I just plan on watching the open seasoner football game tonight with a beer in my hand.

See ya later,


Putting the note back down on the table I opened the fridge to find it nearly full. I had many choices to make. Taking out an apple and a banana and placing them on the table, while I start the coffee maker. Walking back towards the bathroom my phone started ringing.

I picked up my phone and saw Oliver's icon appear on the screen. I clicked the ignore button still needing time to cool down from what had just went down. I grabbed fresh clothes from my bag. Black and white checkerboard skinny jeans, an black tank top and a light blue pullover. Plus a light blue beanie to top it all off.

My phone started ringing again, and who could you guess showed up on the screen? Oliver. Pressing ignore once again I started feeling annoyed with him. I grabbed the coffee pot and poured myself a cup and started eating my banana.

Why was he calling so much? I told him to call me when he made up his mind. Had he already?

I pressed the dial button and called him.

"Hey Dakota. Do you have a minute to talk?" his voice said. He sounded tired and out of things.

"It depends, why are you calling me so much?" I asked finishing my banana

"You have been on my mind all night. How much I screwed things up. It's just the other night when you went to the concert with Jackson and you didn't come back until the morning. It got me worried that you cheated on me. I know we weren't together or anything. But I still worried about you. But yes I did things I'm not proud of. Things with Hannah got out of line. She got her own place and she's moving out today. So do you think you could come home tonight and we can work things out just the two of us?" he begged.

I paused. What do I say?

"If Hannah shows up for any reason while we're talking. I'm done. For good. Have a good day Oliver." I hung up the phone.

Shit. What did I just get myself into?....

JERI SAYS: Hey guys!!! Sorry for not updating but homecoming week is over so I think I will be able to update more. Thank you so much for waiting. Anyway I've posted a new story called Red Band Society. Can you please do me a huge favor and go read it for me? I'll love you like 5-ever. Thanks! Stay Amazing <3

Can you save my bastard soul? (Book 2 Sequel to Can you fix the broken?)Where stories live. Discover now