Chapter 4

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If I Win


Disclaimer: See Prologue


Hope you guys like the chapter! :)


It's been a few days since the girls and I realized my massive crush on Terence and it's been kinda weird around him. I don't know how to act. But he seems perfectly fine around me, which is how I knew he didn't like me back.

The girls disagreed with me. They said he's flirting with me more than usual and has been so 'sweet' and the way he 'looks at me' is so cute and yada yada.

I begged to differ. The only flirty things he'd been doing we're barely more flirty than usual. And guys do that sometimes. Are normal one week, flirty the next, then back to normal again.

So anyway, it's finally Quidditch Tryout weekend, and my heart was pounding from the excitement as I sat for breakfast.

"Hey sweet heart," I heard Higgs say as he sat next to me.

"Hey! That's the nickname I use! Don't steal my line!" I yelled.

"Alright, fine, how about... Cutie?"

"I'm not cute," I said rolling my eyes.

"Let's see... Beautiful, sexy, wonderful, amazing, adorable, smart, sweet-"

I began to feel my face heating up, "No!"

"No, I'm naming what you are, darling."

I blushed more. I knew he was only messing with me. "Oh, shut up," I mumbled, reaching to grab some waffles. He grabbed my wrist.

"You know I'm serious, right?" I blushed even more.

I looked into his eyes and saw only honesty and... Something similar to that which I had seen in Wood's eyes the other night.

"Claire!" I heard Draco call. I broke contact with his eyes and stood, clearing my throat while I waved Draco over.

He saw me and began to walk over. I glanced at the twins and Riley. Immediately, I knew they were watching the little episode I had with Terence as I saw them stuff their wide eyes back into their breakfast plates and eat so fast they'd make wolves wonder how long it's been since they ate.

"There you are, I've been looking for you. The try outs are today, right?" my heart sped up again.

"Yea," I grinned.

"Well, I can't find my broom."

"What? Did you check the common room?"

"Yes, but I never have it there anyway."

"The pitch? Your trunk? The locker rooms?" I was beginning to turn slightly hysterical. "You're supposed to keep your broom in your trunk at all times unless you're practicing or playing, Draco! You should know this by now!"

"I haven't looked in my trunk, because there's nothing in there anyway! I brought it down to the locker rooms last ni-" he froze. "Potter," he spat before turning and marching to the Gryffindor table.

"No! Draco, wait!" I called, stumbling over my seat and almost tripping as I ran after him. Of course I'd choose the side of the table opposite that of Gryffindor this morning. I ran faster, turning past the end of the table when I saw him pull out his wand, pointing at Harry's face.

I made it there soon enough to pull Draco away.

"Draco, stop! Why would Harry take your broom? Think about it! He has a broom only one generation below yours, and his seeker abilities are amazing with whatever broom he has! Why would he need it?" I said in an attempt to make him see sense.

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