Chapter 7

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Curiouser and Curiouser...


Disclaimer: See prologue


This chapter it extra long so that ther could be some Olly Action, so yay! Finally! :3


It was at that moment in time that Madame Pomfrey decided to finally wake up and (quite literally) shove people out of the hospital wing, she demanded they speak of this to no one for any reason or they would be expelled for sure.

I continued to stare, wide-eyed at my headmaster before croakin, "What's going on?"

"Claire, dear," Professor Dumbledore said endearingly to me. "It would seem that Lord Voldemort has heard of what happened with the Dementor at the Quidditch game last week, and has realized you're a danger to him by being kept alive. He doesn't want to lose his chance to kill you first, before something or someone else does. He wants to prove that you haven't defeated him. But the only way to do that, would be to-"

"To kill me," I stated, looking at my parents who were standing with Draco, only a few feet from my bed. "Why do you care all of a sudden?" I asked them. "If you knew this whole time that he was just going to kill me eventually, and you were planning to keep me around until then, what made you change your mind and ask for me to be kept safe?"

My parents shifted uncomfortably, while Draco looked almost exactly how I felt. Drained and confused.

"We love you darling. We didn't want to give you up... We... We look at you like our own daughter, we're so... so proud of you," my mother said.

"I still don't understand," I stated.

"I suppose it was a selfish thing," my father said. "We knew eventually we would have to give you up once the Dark Lord said he wanted you executed, but... How can you give up one of the most precious things in your life?" he said. This was a side of him I never knew existed. I knew he was selfish, but I never realized he was proud, and even happy, to be a father. No, to be my father.

I stared at him, gaping slightly. I glanced at Harry who was still on my bed. I remember seeing out of the corner of my eye Dumbledore stop Madame Pomfrey from shooing him out with everyone else and I caught something along the lines of, "Not until we speak of the Dementor."

"Wh-why am I staying with Professor Lupin from now on?" I asked Dumbledore.

"Well that's simple," he said. "There are many reasons, the first being that it's safer than your aunt and uncle's house. The second being that he is your god father."

"But... That makes no sense."

Lupin answered this time, sitting on the edge of my bed, "I was... good friends with your father. We were some of the best friends at Hogwarts, actually. He knew that if anything were to happen to him, I... I would do my best to keep you safe. At all costs."

I knew I'd be safe with Lupin. I sure felt safe with him. He was the best DADA teacher in the school. He was the nicest man I think I've ever met. I could actually imagine him as my father. But he didn;t seem too keen on the idea of looking after me. And something told me I shouldn't take that personally. Now, there was only one question that had been burning in my mind since I had woken up.

"How did I survive the Dementor?" I asked him and Dumbledore.

He looked at his watch with the planets - the one I never understood - and said, "Harry, I think it would be best you go explain things to your teammates. They seemed to be confused by the arrangement. Give them short answers and be quick. I don't want the predicament getting out to prying ears because they're speaking of how frightening the experience was."

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