Chapter 6

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A Whole New Meaning to Hogwarts: A Home...


Disclaimer: See Prologue


Aaaaaaanyways, there are some intense shocks in this story soooooo I just want to warn you ahead of time that this is a really awesome chapter so you don't explode from the amazingness. ;P



I woke up, my head pounding. I couldn't open my eyes, my eyelids feeling like lead. But I heard voices.

"Why are you all still here?" a voice snapped.

"I... we want to be sure she's okay," said a second as if stating a fact.

"You have no right to be here, she wouldn't want you here!" I heard the first voice state.

"Shut up!" I heard another voice.

Why are these people arguing? Where am I? Didn't I die? I was given the kiss, was I not?

I turned my head, groaning.

"All of you should shut up. My head hurts like hell and you aren't helping with all your shouting," I said.

"Claire! Terence, go get Madame Pomfrey!" I heard footsteps. Finally, I was able to open my eyes and see who it was who was speaking to me. Harry. I gasped and tore him into a hug.

"Oh thank God you're okay! What happened? Are you really alright? We didn't die, did we? Are you-" just then, Madame Pomfrey walked over with the headmaster.

"Professor, what happened? Why were those things let near Harry? What-"

"Claire," he said calmly. "I assure you, the issue has been resolved. However, I'm not here to discuss your brother because, as you have seen, he's in good health. You, on the other hand have been given a Dementor's kiss and now - almost a week later - are actually waking up, completely fine."

He paused and I froze. "A week?" I croaked. He nodded. I was awake a week after being given the Dementor's kiss, and in addition, somehow I now remember everything from the three years before I was given to the Malfoys.

I looked at Harry. There was only one thing I should be thinking about right now, "Who won?" From the look on his face, I knew the answer. They lost. And unless we beat Ravenclaw and Ravenclaw beats Hufflepuff, they won't even be in the running for the cup. But I've missed a week of training. "Professor, my team-"

"Has been practicing under the supervision of Madame Hooch and Professor Snape. Mr. Terence Higgs has been acting captain in your absence," I sighed and finally took to looking to the other side.

My eyes went wide. The entire Gryffindor Quidditch team and the entire Slytherin Quidditch team was there along with Riley, the twins, and the Malfoys. They were all frozen with shock. I noticed Wood sitting on my bed next to me, and I blushed a little. I don't know why, I guess it just shocked me.

"Thank God you're awake," I thought I heard him whisper as I turned to look at Draco. I blushed a little more, unsure if I heard him right.

"Draco!" I called, arms out for a hug. He came over and sat down on my bed, shoving Wood out of the way.

"Draco, I've been knocked out for almost a week, now give me a hug before I'm attacked by everyone else," I said, rolling my eyes and pulling him into a hug.

As soon as I released him, the rest of the Slytherins ran over and tackled me, laughing and cheering.


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