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June, 2009


My heart is pounding so fast and so hard that it feels like it wants to migrate out of my chest to find shelter in a safer place.  Knots are suddenly building at my throat, and I'm finding it difficult to swallow.  Perhaps my heart found a way to escape from my body.  Nerves hit my stomach, and it feels odd because I swear it is flipping upside down, twirling as a ballerina and swaying like a turbulent ocean all at once.  The warm sensation rushing through my skin warns me that I'm blushing crimson. I wonder if someone with magical powers casted a spell over me, and took away the control over all my emotions.

Breathe.  I need to breathe.  But how to breathe when I'm drowning in the most beautiful deep blue ocean I've ever seen?

Those eyes ...  My God, this guy is beyond gorgeous...

"Hello?  Earth to Gabby? Ugh! Have you been listening to a word I've said?  Geez Gabriella!  What the hell is wrong with you?"   The powerful spell must be broken since I'm now able to listen to my best friend. Shaking my head, as if that would help me regain the much needed control over my mind and body, I finally look at her. 

Sophie kept talking to me.  Correction, Sophie kept yelling at me over the loud music, wearing her signature scowl on her pretty face.  For how long have I been in this trance?  To be totally lost and drawn to someone is something new for me.  I never experienced it before.  People talk about it. I've read about it. But honestly, never thought it was real.  Until now. Until this. Until him.  I've never felt so frenziedly alive in my whole life. 

"Now Gabby, can we finally talk about my latest moment of glory?" She asked, frustrated with my lack of attention. 

Knowing Sophie, this is a big deal for her.  She's such a drama queen, but furthermore, she's the most fun, supportive and loving friend I could've ever asked for.

"Um ... Jesus, Sophie!"  I finally take a deep breath after breaking eye contact with a man who literally took my breath away.  Was I breathing? Holy cow! Now that I'm coming back to my senses, I think I stopped breathing from the moment our eyes made contact.  Those eyes held me captive under that powerful and fascinating spell. And I loved every second of it.

"You haven't been listening at all, have you?  What I did to that bi- ... I mean, what I did to Ivy?"  She plasters a huge smile on her face and winks at me when she sees my glare and the smirk on my face.  I love her to death, and I'm definitely no saint, but this girl is a pro in the art of cursing.  Nevertheless, it's always a blast to hang out together.  She's always cracking me up.

"Sorry Soph.  You got me! I wasn't listening.  I got distracted."  My sigh admits defeat as I shrug and reward her with my best Colgate smile, answering her question as casual as possible, in hopes she doesn't start grilling me with questions I'm not able to answer. It's better, safer, for me to change the subject. "I can't believe high school is finally over."  The party is in full swing and the place is packed to the nth degree.  I glance around searching for my sexy blue-eyed Adonis, but I can't find him.  Where did he go?   I turn my gaze back to Sophie half-heartedly, trying to hide my disappointment.  "By the way, have you ever been to one of these parties before?  Wow! Chase's house is so amazing, isn't it?"

Her eyes are wide and sparkling.  "Sweet mother of all yummy-freaking-sex gods, Gabs! No more than Chase's brother!  Oh my God! I swear that S.O.S is every woman's wildest fantasy." She gasps and starts fanning herself.  "The guy is scorching hot!"

S.O.S. is Sophie's code for sex-on-stick.  We needed to come up with something to stop her from embarrassing me every time we were together and had a freaking-sexy-hot-as-hell guy around us.  Sophie is so fiery and feisty.  She loves to be the center of attention.  Everyone loves her. Well, almost everyone.  In her defense, I don't like Ivy either. Sometimes I wish I could be more like my dear friend.  I wish I could be as brave as she is.  Her enthusiasm is contagious.

     "Mmmm ..."  She groans and looks like a predatory sexually starved woman.  I know exactly what is coming next, and I don't want to hear it. Not here.  "All the things I would do to him with my hands, and my mouth, and my..."

"Stop it, Soph!  Someone can hear you!"  I hissed at her almost dropping my beer to the floor.  Chase is one of our best friends, and I don't like Sophie steering this kind of attention toward us.  With all the gossip girls gathered here tonight, I'm sure everyone would've known her very detailed wish list of 'Things I Want to Do to Chase's Brother' in record time. There are too many people that know us since middle school.  Besides, the guy can even be next to us, listening to what she's saying. I'd rather ask the floor to open and swallow me. As far as I'm concerned, she can have him all for herself.   

"Oh Gabby, come on!  I swear, what you need is a good make-out session with Chase's brother to loosen up a little.  Live a little, girl!"  If she only knew there was a guy here that seemed to have the power to make me lose control.  I wonder if it's a good idea to admit it to Sophie. Dammit!  I can't seem to stop myself.

  "There's only one person I would've died to loosen up with tonight, and he has the most amazing blue eyes I've ever seen.  But you know what?  It ain't gonna happen.  And before you say anything else, it seems like he left already, so it doesn't matter anymore.  Anyway, whose Chase's famous brother?"  I ask nonchalantly, taking a swig of my beer.  It's time for a reality check, and forget about my Adonis, who obviously left before I had the chance to look at him one last time.  To expect that I would meet someone like him is unrealistic.  To dare to believe I can spark his interest and he would feel attracted to me like I was to him is hopeless. That's fairy tale stuff. Which only means it's not meant to happen to me.  Plain and simple.

"I'll be the judge of Mr. Hotness.  Hell, I'll even consider him for a make-out session if he, at least, scores a seven."  I cocked my left eyebrow and dash a huge grin on my face.  She knows I'm bluffing, of course.  I would never have the nerve to be so straightforward.                                                 

She looked past me amused as her lips started twitching up in the corners turning into an evil grin. "Really?  Be careful what you wish for, darling." 

"What are you talking about?"  Suddenly, I feel goose bumps all over my skin as my eyes grow wider.  I panic and step back, but a big wall is towering over me from behind.  The top of the intoxicating smelling wall leans down on me, and slowly I get the feeling that my clothes are catching fire inch by inch, from top to bottom. A warm-minty breath trickles down my neck awakening all my senses. My pulse is increasing to dangerous levels.  Entranced by the delicious and unique scent, I close my eyes and find myself doing something I'm not used to do.  I'm allowing myself to feel.  I feel my protective walls crumbling setting free a rainbow of intense emotions: excitement, passion, desire, happiness, hope, anticipation and longing.  It should be scary, but everything feels so good, so right ...

     And apparently, I kind of forget the tiny fact that he could see how my body reacts to his proximity, because my muscle wall starts shaking slightly.  He must find me very amusing, judging by the way he's chuckling.  Heat waves radiate from his body, and I don't know how the hell I'm supposed to react to this stranger, who is obviously Chase's brother.  Sexy bastard.  Now would be a good time for the ground to open up and drag me down.

The most rich, sensual velvety voice I ever heard basks my skin bringing me back from my heavenly nirvana.  He's whispering, but his voice is loud enough to awake every cell of my body.  "Well, I definitely hope to score higher sweetheart, because I'm game for anything you want from me."

Oh. My. God.     Working up some courage, I slowly turned around, feeling my heart running a thousand miles per hour.  I can't speak.  I can't even remember my name.  How can I, when my MIA Adonis is right in front of me?  Staring at me with those magnetic eyes.  A wolfish smile flourishes on his beautiful face.  He grabs my right hand and leads it to his mouth.  His soft, tender lips touch my extremely sensitive skin.

"Hi.  I'm Nick, Chase's brother." He pierces my eyes intensely, and for an excruciating moment, he stares at my lips moistening his own.  My eyes stop at his lips as well.  I feel a strong desire building inside me for this man with magical powers who controls my emotions and is able to make me feel.  After taking his time roaming my whole body he finally says, "And tonight, I'm all yours baby."

Just when I was swimming back to the shore, those beautiful blue eyes drag me back into the deep.

Breathe.  Just breathe.

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