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"I just can't believe it! I mean out of all people. Why the hell would she be the one?" I asked with exasperation as I buried my face between my palms.

"Okay, whoever was eavesdropping would think that you're gay by saying that" My best friend, Ally said humorously with a chuckle. I glared at her and she instantly pursed her lips together.

"Listen, it will all be okay. I mean it's not that bad that she... you know, has the perfect hair, body, car, house, eyes, and especially that hottie of a boyfriend" She said dreamily as she looked somewhere in the air.

"Allyson!" I yelled and she looked at me with a grin.

"You're not helping at all, plus that sounds gay as well" I told her. Venom coming out from my mouth.

I was furious. I was trying to be calm and all but it's because I wouldn't dare to take this all on my best friend who has no fault but I swear I REALLY have the urge to punch someone continuously.

I decided to just stand up and take a break, at least a short break and try to calm myself down.

"Where are you going?" Ally looked up questioningly and I shook my head "Restroom. You go ahead to class" I told her as I picked up my bag and started my way to the bathroom.

Halfway there, the corridors were already empty. That's really weird. One of the things I learned from college was there were always people hanging out or something. I turned to the other hallway where the bathrooms were located. One of the classroom's door opened and a guy came out as if he was waving someone from the inside.

I unconsciously stopped and watched. He looked as if he was waving someone but with no certain emotion in his face. I think that was the guy who Ally told me. He was some kind of gangster-ish type of guy, a hot one. Lots of girls trying to get in his pants, he gets into fights...blah...blah...

But Ally told me he barely talks or hangs out with other people. Tho, some girls here in college are heads over heels for him. That's what I've heard since the bastard is never to be found. I only had seen him in facebook pictures, no more. Now that I look at him in person. Yikes! That boy is fine.

He walked out and started checking on his phone as he leaned on the wall, probably waiting for someone from the classroom to come out. It's weird cause I'm the only one standing in this hallway besides him and I'm kinda on front of him and yet, he hasn't noticed me.

I was also half-gawking at his looks. He had light brown sexy hair, fit body. I sighed, he's so out of my league. What am I thinking? I'm the one who's out of his league. He's a loner and a freak, well so am I but he's in the dangerous side. Still, he's such a hot piece of pizza.

I shouldn't be even considering this. It's not possible and plus he's trash as everyone says.

I shrugged it off and kept walking, now my steps for some reason decided to be louder. Screw the moment I told myself to wear this low-heel stilettos. That's when he looked up. Wait! Why was I even looking at him as I walked? Holy Jesus Christ! Those eyes. His lip twitched upwards and a smirk could be seen on his face. Did he just smiled or smirked at me?

What if I'm his next target? Holy cow! Hide! HIDE! I NEED TO HIDE!

My head hung low and I just watched as my jelly legs moved forward and backwards. My vision was really blurry. I think even the heat going through my cheeks went up to my eyes. I didn't notice the janitor's bucket wringer standing just on front of me before I bumped with it and stumbled my steps making me fall on my face with a loud thud and the sound of the bucket's water splashing enough to hit my butt with drops since I felt the wetness. I groaned internally, this hurted a little bit.

"Floor, we meet again" I muttered through my gritted teeth as I tried to stand up. I looked back discreetly so he wouldn't notice and he was looking at me with an unreadable expression. When I was on my feet I scowled at him.

"Why thank you very much for helping me, gentleman" I scoffed with sarcasm crossing my arms. He raised an eyebrow looking at me amused. Oh God! Am I the first one to actually talk to him that way? Man, I don't wanna be his next lunch. Save me!

"I-I mean, a-at least... I'm just gonna clean up I guess" I scratched the nape of my neck awkwardly. I reached for the mop and cleaned up some of the small puddles that appeared.

He was still silent and hasn't moved. Embarrassment came up to me now. I remembered, he saw it all. Geez, I need to fix my legs up or I'll be a complete turn-off for boys. I face-palmed myself as I spun my heels and walked back to the cafeteria. I didn't even bother to go to the bathroom not wanting to find him once again.

I wanted to dig a hole and stay there with Tinker Bell. That's it.

And just when I was about to pass on front of him a girl came out of one of the classroom. Her hips swayed side to side and I couldn't help but to feel like a potato just by looking at her looks.

She smirked at me and I noticed she was fixing her pants as she leaned on the-sexy-guy's shoulder whispering something inside his ear.


So that's it. They were totally doing the nasty thing inside there. I peeked with my right eye inside the classroom they were and yep, there was no one inside. Wow and here I was gawking at some player. Well, I don't know how many girls he has been with but... THAT in a classroom? Tsh. How romantic!

I shook my head and held back a laugh at how ironic this was. Me? Being embarrassed by falling on front of him? Hell if I'm embarrased I don't even want to imagine how he should feel. Well, I mean, probably not cause if he's a player he wouldn't mind.

I went to the other hall and I entered the other bathroom and sighed. Dumb right? Going to another bathroom for some humiliation. I went to the sink and washed my face, not caring some of my make up can smear. I looked myself in the mirror for some seconds.

There was the girl who didn't go to the prom cause no one wanted to be her date, there was a girl who has never been kissed and of course, has never done something-i'm-not-going-to-mention, there was a girl who loved a guy for 7 years and now he's getting married and asked her to be the maid of honor in the wedding, there was the girl who is more childish than a teletubby movie, and that girl was me. Briana Walker, 18 year old girl who entered college just a week and a half ago. I don't really have much to say about myself but the fact that I'm a freak. If you wonder if Allyson is a freak aswell, then you're wrong. Allyson is probably the only normal friend I've had, no scratch that she is my only best friend. I don't really know how we became friends in the first place but we just did, and she's the only person I can count on. (and if she ever hears something like this coming from me she'll be like "Awweee, you sweetiecake" and go all cheesy. So let's just keep it a secret) I have other friends, well, more like other people I know and those are mostly freaks like I am and they shouldn't even be called friends because they barely even talk to me. Boyfriend? Psh, no. Didn't I just say I have virgin lips? That's right. And trust me, I don't really know people that at this age has never kissed as a couple. Hell, even elementary school kids have kissed not even being a couple.

Now let's stop talking about my virgin life. Makes me feel depressed. But I want to let you all know that despite everything that I had to endure in my life. I'm happy. I am.

No I'm not. For Christ Sakes! My crush is getting married to the girl that made my life impossible. How am I supposed to be happy?! I'm broken.


Author says...

Uff! Finally finished the first chapter guys :) I hope you liked it and I would really appreciate comments, reads and fan if you want to ;o haha but you could be a silent reader too... but I would also really like if you could at least idk say something about my story just once? :3 Haha only if you want to.

Picture on the side: Briana Walker

                                     (Willa Holland)

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