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I couldn't sleep well that night. I mean, I wasn't hallucinating when I saw Nate leaning forwards. I slapped myself a couple of times and stood up from bed.

I decided to snap out of this thought.

I was now cooking some breakfast. Yes, I'm a dork in everything I do in the kitchen but when it comes to breakfast. I'm an expert.

I put on the radio and the song New Perspective by Panic! At the Disco was on. I started humming and served the two plates. One for Ally and one for me.

"Morning" Ally came inside the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

"Morning" I chirped. She raised an eyebrow "You seem to be happy this morning"

"I certainly am" I nodded as I handed her the dishes. I grabbed two cups and the juice.

"Well? Aren't you going to explain the reason why?" Ally said.

"I'm just happy I got to feel how having a boyfriend is like" I said and she sighed. "Brianna, you've got to stop seeing him"

"I am" I said and took a sip of juice "Just when I get Ashton so see how stupid he's being by marrying Patricia"

"Well you sure sound like the evil b*tch in this story. Anyways, how are you sure that THAT is gonna happen?"

I now stopped my tracks "No, and truthfully thats not my objective, you know that. I just... I've been in love with Ashton but I'm not planning on snatching him just by showing how mean Patricia can be, I just want to show Patricia that I can have good things as well" I told her letting out a huge breath.

"And you think Nate is a good thing?! That guy is bad news!" Allyson said.

"Whatever. I'm done with this conversation, Ally. See you later " I muttered standing up, not even finishing my unwanted breakfast.


'Hey, where are you?' I texted Nate.

He didn't reply until about 5 minutes later.

'Getting out of my car' He texted back.

'Hm. Did you come to class?'

'I might be a little late' I frowned now.


'Not your business... '

I scowled and stuffed my phone back on my bag. Yes, officially he's a black and white.


Classes passed quicker than ever and I was surprised I didn't see Nate when he actually has a similar schedule to mine and we take calculus together.

"Brianna! Wait up!" I heard someone call me. I stopped and turned around quickly hoping it was Nate but caused me to bump and fall on my butt.

I winced "Oww"

"Crap, sorry" I looked up to see Ashton looking at me with a worried expression. I smiled and took his hand which in a swift movement he brought me up to my feet.

"It's okay. Hey Ash" I grinned and he groaned "Wow I haven't been called like that since ages" He said rubbing his forehead.

"Anyways, I just wanted to ask you to come with me today. I mean if you're free because I really need your help with a couple of things with calculus and we might talk a little bit more about the wedding" He said.

I was about to nod like a crazy person but I just shrugged "Sure, I mean, if Patricia doesn't mind"

He scoffed "Of course not! She's also not coming"


"Okay then, but I need to get my notebook. Forgot it in the design room" I told him. And he nodded "I'll be waiting outside then "

We walked to opposite sides of the hall.

When I got to the classroom and knocked thinking some other people was there I had no answer. I sighed. Just my luck!

I noticed this hall was dead quiet, which meant every teacher around this zone was dismissed. I groaned and tried unlocking the door but it was no use. Then I heard some rambling and weird sounds.

I gasped quietly and turned to see where it was coming from. But it was still quiet. I walked to the end of the hall, where the right side was the stairs to the rooftop.

I entered the rooftop and saw nothing. So just when I was turning around to leave. I heard something click.

I looked back and saw... Oh my God! A Gun is on the bridge of my nose for God Sakes! Oh God! Oh God!

I pinched myself to see if this was some kind of dream. Nope, I was still there.

"I-I'm sorry. Please let me go" I managed to whisper. Tears forming on the edge of my eyes.

"Not a chance, you're already are an accomplice"

Accomplice?! Accomplice of what?! I just got here.

Before I could even try to run away. He grabbed my arm and yanked me forward. A whimper came out of my mouth.

"Please, Please don't" I sobbed.

"Sorry Brianna, but I know you're on his side"

Side? His side?! What side? I don't even know how I ended up in this situation!

"What?" I just croaked.

"Let her go" I heard a voice behind. When I turned, being held by the man next to me there I saw Nate there, bruises all over his face and his hand was holding a gun.

"What are you gonna do, Loverboy?" The man asked him. I shut my eyes closed and prayed I could get out of this situation.

"If you don't let her go right now, Im gonna have to deal with this using the bad side" He said shakily. He looked like a zombie and he's thinking of fighting this man. Is he insane?!

"Please" I said between sobs.

"I'm killing you, then after I have some fun with her I'll also will kill her" He said and I felt his breath flow across my neck. I shivered, in disgust.

The man was now pulling his finger backwards on the trigger. I wanted to struggle and do something but I couldn't.

Just when he finally pulled the trigger completely. I screamed and closed my eyes "NO!"

But nothing was heard. Not a shot. I thought it was me but then... when I opened my eyes Nate was still there with a smirk. How can he smirk in this situation?!

The man kept pulling the trigger but it didn't do anything. It had no bullets.

"Wrong move, dude" Nate laughed.

The man looked panicked now. Nate went serious again and raised his eyebrow a slightly bit.

"Wrong Move" He repeated. And just when he said that a loud boom echoed my ears. I stood there dumbfounded. The man was on the ground. And I concluded, Nate had just shot this man.


Author says...  

UH... What just happened?? *is that your reaction? cause that's totally mine* This was kinda fast and unexpected but I had to develop Nate's true self to keep on with the story or else it would've took me forever. I'm shocked, and I'm not really good at writing scenes like this so please excuse myself :S

double update ;D

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