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Yes, I must admit, yesterday was a great day. I blushed like a tomato almost every second. I talked with Nate, he actually opened up to me a bit. Well, I actually told him that I needed to know things about him just in case if I'm asked and thats pretty much what we did, we talked about our likes or dislikes, hobbies and habits, etc. The time drifted pretty fast but I have to say I'm very satisfied with what I learned.

Nate seemed like a normal guy after all.


Monday already? Ugh. Things shouldn't have been this way! I should be very happy I have classes today. All because of the evil witch I can't live peacefully my life as a college student.

Here comes my pathetic thoughts.

I lazily dressed up and did all of my business. The dorm felt empty without Ally, at least she's coming back soon.

I took the bus, not wanting to walk. My dorm was not far from where I study but I was tired. Tired from nothing, but just tired.

When I got there I already saw a lot of people walking around, some groups of people talking, and as always the ones who are awkwardly sitting on the ground with their laptops on their lap.

I sighed and looked around. I was half an hour early, what am I supposed to do now? I have no one to talk to.

I groaned internally, if only I came walking. I thought of having breakfast but I wasn't hungry at all.

I looked for somewhere to sit but every table was loaded with people. I guess I'll join the awkwardness of sitting on the floor.

I was looking through my cellphone since I didn't bring my laptop today. I suddenly felt some presence next to me. I grinned when I saw exactly who I expected to be.

"Ashton. Hey" I smiled from ear-to-ear as I hugged him.

"Hey, uhm... since you left early from the party I didn't get to thank you. I mean, for doing this, even if you know how Patty can be sometimes" He said eyeing me. I was trying hard not to lean in and kiss him. He looked absolutely stunning on front of me.

"So uh... I see you're early. Why?" He asked me and I made a little smile "I walked" I told him and he nodded.

There was an awkward silence. God I hate this! Why am I always awkward with him.

"I...uhm...You know what? I should get going now." He said. Of course, I'm too boring to maintain him here with me. I wanted to stop him so bad.

I nodded slightly "Okay, see you later" I told him quietly. I went back to my phone taking a couple of glances at him as he walked away.

Time passed slowly and seemed like a whole lifetime for me before the time to get to my first class came.

I was walking through the halls when I spotted Nate talking to some girl. A uncomfortable feeling crept through my stomach.

I didn't even argue with myself. I had to admit I was a little bit jealous that he was talking with another girl. I mean, of course the girl was prettier and I know someone like Nate wouldn't want to actually try something with me. God! What am I even saying?! I know nothing about relationships, so what happened about the offer and cuddling with Nate was just a deal we had. He's just doing me a favor. AND is not like I like him, it's just I want someone to like me.

I tried to convince myself that. I couldn't be liking Nate. Not when I've been liking Ashton for more than 7 years, it's too soon.

I simply ignored the fact that I saw him talking with some girl and went inside the classroom. I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I looked around it was the devil-herself.

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