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Yes, I'm finally out of Patricia's reach! I threw myself on the bed and took a deep breath before letting it all out.

I looked at the ceiling for some minutes before being interrupted by the door opening.

"Allyson!" I sat up and ran up to the living room. There I saw Ally smiling at me.

I gave her a hug before sighing "Ally, I need to tell you a lot of things" I told her sternly.


"WHAT?! Are you out of your mind?! Nate?! " I closed my eyes shut as I heard her rambling about how dangerous Nate was... blah, blah and more blah.

"I must admit, yeah, I am out of my mind" I said with a nod and she raised an eyebrow "I'm serious Bri"

"Is not like you know him! You just know what you've been told about him" I said not agreeing.

She sighed and shook her head "You don't understand Brianna, I may not know him but neither do you! What if he lied to you? I do not know him but I've seen what he's done. I'm just looking out for you" Allyson said and my frown was replaced with a smile and I hugged her "I know you are, but after all this is just for Ashton. You know that"

I took a deep breath "You know I wouldn't fall in love with Nate"


"So... he said he was coming tonight? " Ally asked me and I stuffed a pop tart before answering. "Well I don't know if he was just joking" I said with a shrug.

"Please swallow before talking" Allyson grimaced in disgust.

I shrugged and kept on eating my pop tarts. Suddenly we heard a knock on the door. Ally and I exchanged looks before panicking.

I mouthed her to go get it and she shook her head. Then I started pushing her towards the door. She sighed and mouthed me a "No" back but I clasped my hands together begging her. She sighed before told me to go to the room.

I ran almost tripping over some things to the room and started fixing myself. You know, a bit of.make up and lose the ugly shirt. I changed my shirt and put on some boots. I heard the door close now, which mean, whoever that is Is already inside or simply left.

I came out trying to fix some strands of my hair that were sticking out.

That's when I saw the silhouette of his shadow standing right on front of me. When I turned to go inside the living room I grinned.

"Hey" I made a little wave at him and he smirked "Hello there"

"So, Ally this is Nate, Nate... Ally" I introduced and they nod to each other not even saying a word. Something happened...

I swear I could sense that Allyson told him not to hurt him and gave him the lecture. Truth was, I saw that coming from Ally.

"So, why did you came here?" I asked him breaking the silence.

He shrugged "Thought I should take you out because of what happened earlier" I tried to hide a blush.

"What happened earlier?" Allyson stepped in. I gave her the look and she raised an eyebrow.

"Nothing" I smiled and nodded at Nate "Let's get going. Bye Ally!" I grabbed his arm and dragged him outside with me.

When we got inside the car there was a little silence but no awkwardness. I'm never awkward with Nate, well yes, sometimes but not as much as I am with Ashton.

"So.. about earlier?" It came out more like a question, I wanted him to finish the sentence.

"I lied" He simply said.

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