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"Greyson! Hey... uhm... how are you?" I tried to sound excited, I really did but my shakily voice didn't help... at all!

He hugged me and it lasted some seconds before I backed off.

"I'm great, you?" He asked and I saw his eyes traveled for a split second towards Nate.

"Uhm yeah I'm fine. How's your sister? She never told me you were coming to New York as well" Yep, cause apparently everyone from high school is studying in New York, not that it's surprisingly because I lived in New Jersey but come on! New York is huge and has a pretty big population. I'm just THAT unlucky to encounter all of these people.

And of course, I'm unluckier by having Ashton AND Patricia studying at the same university as I am. Well not a surprise either, Patricia is studying the same as I am and I'm pretty sure she forced Ashton to apply to the same college and who knows same schedule or something.

I didn't notice the awkward silence that crept onto us.

"Uhm so this is?" I knew he was going to ask. I mean, everyone would be surprise I'm close to a not-nerdy-hobo.

"This is... uh..." I'm not sure if I should tell him now, or if I should lie of who is him.

"I'm Nate, Briana's boyfriend" I felt my legs weaken when he mentioned 'boyfriend'.

"Boyfriend, huh?" Greyson cocked an eyebrow towards me and I tried to hide a scowl. Stupid, is it so hard to believe?

"I'm Greyson, Briana's old friend" Old friend, my a$s!

I disliked this guy, he used to be the wolf dressed as the sheep in school. He was a playboy and also a stupid jock. I was only nice at him for the fact that his sister is one of my good friends, well, used to be. Anyways it was always his sister, Allyson and I. But that drifted apart when Patricia started saying crap about Allyson and I and so she got mad at us really bad and never talked to us again. Though, I've seen her around but we don't talk anymore.

"Wow so you started college already, right?" Greyson asked me and I nodded. He grinned "Well I guess I should get going now" His eyes were trying to make contact with mine but I kept on looking down. How awkward. Jesus!

"Uh yeah, us too" I said as I waved at him. Nate nod at him and he did the same. "It was nice seeing you, hope to see you another time" Greyson said before walking ahead.

I sighed. "Is it me or am I sensing you hate this guy?" Nate asked a bit after we went inside the car.

"Was I that obvious?"

He nodded and shrugged "Well, you might want to stop hating him because I think he was hitting on you" Nate added.

"Psh! Yeah right!" I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest but then again Nate just shrugged.

"So, since the deal started a bit earlier then so does the offer of you doing whatever I want, am I right?"

I knew he was going to say this sooner or later.


I didn't know how exactly we ended up here but we were at the beach walking across the edge of the waves. I grinned without even noticing that Nate was looking at me.

"What?" He asked but his voice sounded kind of cold.

I bit my lower lip "Is this like, our first date?" I asked, a bit of hope drifted out from my mouth.

He shook his head but a chuckle made me sigh in relief "Don't take this seriously, Brianna" He said and I couldn't help but to feel a bit disappointed. Why the hell am I thinking of some opportunity? Of course, Nate, who is a living sexy God is not going to work out with me. Just no.

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