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a/n : one word : johnnyisromantic 

thank you. 


The concert went well and they had some staff dinner at the hotel's restaurant. Daeun was there too as people thought she was one of the staffs. More like Johnny's personal assistant. Literally, she went back and forth for the man and also for Haechan because he was being a kid wanting attention but he was cute so why not. She even ran to the nearby shops to buy some chocolates for the kid.

There were drinking and enjoying the food when she realized Taeyong sat in front of her. He smiled. "You look happy," he teased. She just chuckled. "Of course I am. I'm meeting you guys again." she said. Well, it was true. She was happy that she could finally meet everyone again. Taeyong nodded and took another shot. "Glad to see you around again." he smiled but didn't look at her. His gaze was fixed at his empty glass. "Thought it was over." he coughed a little.


"You and Youngho. I was.. lowkey glad though but the feelings didn't last." at that time, she knew he was drunk. She began to feel panic. Where's Youngho?

"Don't worry though. Me and Youngho are cool now. I mean, yeah, if you really choose him over me.. what can I do , right?" he lifted up his gaze and for a moment there, she felt as if her heart skipped a beat. He was surreal. He's not human. He was way too attractive to be a human. "What are you trying to say? I love him. You know that." she made sure her statement sounded firm and convincing.

He snickered and poured himself some more of those demonic drink. "If it's love, we wouldn't.. you wouldn't do that with me. Even the slightest, you do have feelings for me." he said with such tone that sent shivers. "If you have mere feelings for someone else, it's proven your feelings for the first one is not valid anymore-"

"Hey," Johnny approached the two of them and sat beside Daeun. She got very jumpy and instantly moved away from him, making Johnny to eye her suspiciously. "Anything happen? Feeling okay?" he asked. Even Johnny smelled good after drinking and smoking a lot. Taeyong chuckled and nodded. "Just talking about life." he said.

"More like talking about how fucked up a life could be.." she continued.

That made Johnny laughed. "Aren't we all?" he eyed Taeyong and the latter just smirked.


Johnny was basically wasted that night but he went to her room instead of his. Daeun wasn't as drunk as she thought she would be so she just sat there with Johnny's head on her lap. He was mumbling some incoherent words while she just play with his hair and listening to his cheesy, romantic playlist. To be honest, it was very late yet he just won't go to sleep.

"Youngho.. you should go to sleep now... our flight is tomorrow..." she said softly, caressing his fluffy hair. The man just giggled and nuzzled closer to her tummy. "You have to go back tomorrow and we have to separate again." he sighed. "Do you know how long I waited for Daeun? Not seeing her even from afar made Youngho feel so anxious.. what if she found a better man? What if she completely forgets about Youngho? What if.. what if another man marked her? I.. it's stressful.." he began to vent out his feelings. "I hate the fact that Youngho and Daeun are in this situation. I know about the dating ban... but I can always lie to them we're friends. What even.."

"Things were hard when she wasn't around. Youngho wasn't himself.. Youngho wanted peace but Youngho's reasons, Youngho's motivations.. it's gone.." he looked up. His eyes meeting hers. The room was dim but she could clearly sees his perfect features.

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