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a/n: istg yall really hate daeun and it shows hahahaha i rlly rlly enjoy reading your comments and thank you so so much for reading this.. i shall say.. fucked up story dhkjfan but n e ways.. enjoy the roller coaster ride of this headassary of mine~ 


Hanna and Daeun had arrived at the building and they use the other entrance. Haechan and Ten were the ones that brought them in. Ten gave Daeun a short hug and they exchanged a look before Ten smiled and quickly dragging the two of them away.

"Are we really having my birthday party in here?" Daeun asked.

"No. We're gonna have your birthday party at some random toilet stalls. OF COURSE WE'RE DOING IT HERE. WHAT YOU SAYING?" Ten literally whisper-shouted at her, making her laughed and quickly followed the two boys. It was Hanna's first time to be in this part of the building so everything to her was new and she was excited.

Haechan opened the door and the room was dark. Someone pulled her in, giggling and she felt another pair of hands putting on stuffs on her and, there was a brief moment where she felt something touched her lips. It was fast, but she was 100% sure someone kissed her. Johnny??

The lights were turned on and the boys sang happy birthday to her. Her eyes saw Taeyong first and he was touching his lips and right there she knew it was him. Johnny was nowhere to be seen anyways. "Daeun make a wish!" Yuta said while holding the cake. Daeun smiled and closed her eyes.

Please make people around me happy even if I have to sacrifice my own happiness.

Happy birthday Daeun,

She blew on the candles and the boys cheered, silly strings filled the room. Hanna hugged her tight and she hugged Hanna back. "Urm.. like.. where's Youngho..?" she asked and everyone panicked. Pretend, of course.

"Err.. about that.." Ten stood in front and turned around acting as if he should 'ask permission' from the other members to talk about it. "Johnny.."

Taeyong cleared his throat. "He left. Because.. he doesn't want to do anything with you anymore." he said, coldly. Too cold. "w-what?" Daeun literally was in pure shock and everyone was anticipating Taeyong's act. "What do you mean?"

Taeyong walked closer to her. "If he can go around getting laid and kissing other girls, why can't you?" Taeyong spat it out as if he was really saying that and not pretending. "You kept it to yourself for too long. Why are you so nice?" he added. His eyes were looking nothing but her. "Taeyong. What the fuck are you saying?" Daeun backed away.

"I'm never nice. Stop." she mumbled, her voice was shaking. Hanna was a bit worried but she held herself back.

"You know why he don't want to come here? It's because he doesn't feel the same way anymore about you. He tried to but he couldn't feel the same sparks. Why cant he feel the same sparks when I, Lee Taeyong, still have the same excitement, the same sparks, for you.."

"Lee Taeyong, what the fuck are you doing?" Daeun was trying to hold back her tears. She was confused at why Taeyong was so brave saying all of this infront of everyone. Is he purposely declaring publicly so that people will be on his side? She thought he was already fine with everything. What the fuck..

"What do you think I'm doing?" Taeyong shot the question right at her. He was lowkey hoping for the two of them to end so he could take her only for him but he knew too well, it's not going to be as easy as it seems. "Where's Youngho? I want to talk to him," she said as she hastily wiped her tears with the back of her hand. Taeyong grew weak when he saw her tears falling but he can't go out of character now. He had a bet on line for this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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