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Daeun was already packing her stuffs. It's been awhile since she felt extra giddy going to somewhere. Her life had been so dull ever since that happened. Like, not gonna lie but heartbreaks could be severe. She regretted mocking those people who was going through heartbreaks. She wouldn't expect it to be this severe. Or worst.

Being a night owl, she took the night flight and would probably arrive early in the morning. Hanna had already planned her trip there and even bought her portable wifi so she wont get lost again. Well, if it wasn't because of her being a lost child that time, she wouldn't even ever talk to Johnny. It as the greatest mistake she had ever made in her life. The best, one and only mistakes.

Hanna was a bit against her coming a day before but she had to due to her shifts and other problems to settle. Thus, Johnny wasn't in Korea too. He was already on his way to Japan for the A-nation concert. She was really proud of him and the boys. There were growing big and well-known. Yes she was happy but deep inside, she was scared. She was scared that the gap of her and Johnny will grow bigger as the fame grows larger.


Your flight is tonight?


Getting ready

Arrive at japan?


Too hungry to process so im waiting for my ramen

And sukiyaki


I hv no appetite to eat

I cant wait to meet you


Eat smthg pls ><

And yes bby. SOON SOON!

Im going to cuddle you to death

Then what r u gonna do wif my body?

Bury it?

Mummified it

Keep it

For myself


But I love it

Cause you're lame

How am I lame?


Im your lame. Whatever

You cant escape my lame ass

You gonna stuck with me forever.

Ahahah you're cute

I don't deserve you T__T

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