1 - Their New Life

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Erza's POV

"Here you go, Miss, one whole strawberry cake, cut in eight slices, as you requested."

"Thank you," I said, licking my lips as I stared in desire at the beautiful cake that was placed in front of me.

The light red cake stood a proud 20cm tall and had a diameter of roughly 45cm. It was perfect in shape, everything was symmetrical and it just looked like perfection itself. I didn't waste another second before I started eating from one slice, devouring it in seconds. The chatter around me blended away as I ate. I was in a small café but it was filled with people. It was a nice, cosy place with a wooden floor and cream walls.

"You know that I'm paying for everything, right?"

I looked up to meet the owner of the voice – Jellal, my boyfriend – I mean, fiancé now.

"Yeah," I replied before starting on another slice. 

"I love taking you on dates and all, but now you are just taking advantage of me. Can't you just get one slice of cake instead of a full cake next time?" Jellal complained.

"Hmm, let me think abou – no. Besides, I did say I could pay for the food this time but you insisted on paying."

"That's because I'm a guy and the guy always has to pay, and I'm also the one taking you on a date."

I smiled at my fiancé, giving him a wink. "I love it when you treat me to food."

"Well, that makes one of us," Jellal muttered.

I didn't reply as I continued eating my cake. Even though Jellal acted like he didn't like me annoying him, I could tell he secretly liked it. We'd been together for a long time and it was just over a year ago when he asked me to marry him and I said yes. We decided to not marry straight away but rather wait a while, maybe after university. Last year, we both completed our first year at university and we had just started our second year. While Jellal and I went to the same place to study, our friends all went to different places.

"Hey!" I said when Jellal stole some of my cake with his spoon.

"You have a whole cake, Erza," he pointed at my cake with his spoon.

"Exactly. I have a whole cake. It's all mine."

Jellal simply rolled his eyes but ate the bit of cake and I let him. We finished the cake shortly after. After paying for our lunch, we exited the café and walked down the street.

"So, where are we going now?" I asked Jellal, tucking my scarlet hair behind my ear.

"I was thinking ice-skating," he replied.

"Why? You looking for a race? I'm so gonna take you down."

"In your dreams," Jellal smirked before lightly punching my shoulder.

I responded by punching his shoulder harder. This went on all the way to the ice-skating place and when we got there, I had punched Jellal with so much force that he crashed into a tree a few metres away.

"You're really strong, you know that?" Jellal stood up and rubbed his back.

"I do. What's your point?"

"You should use your strength on people other than your fiancé... unless it's in the bedroom," Jellal said with a sly grin.

My cheeks turned as red as my hair and then embarrassment turned into anger. "Do not say anything else," I threatened through gritted teeth.

"Geez, crazy woman. Let's just ice-skate."

After we entered the building and got our ice-skates, we headed out onto the ice rink. We started skating, going around the slow people and trying not to get hit by the really fast people. It reminded me of the time Jellal took me ice-skating in high school. After that day, I had improved immensely and now we were both amazing at ice-skating; Jellal liked to show off tricks and I would respond with something better. 

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