20 - We're not in a boat!

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My eyes followed Mavis's finger to the thing she was pointing at on Zeref's file and I gasped. Natsu. That was the name of Zeref's brother. Could Natsu be Zeref's younger brother? I didn't know anyone else named Natsu and it was a really uncommon name. It also might not be a coincidence that Zeref keeps tormenting us – maybe he wants to see Natsu. Not that that was a reasonable excuse for all that he had done.

A knock suddenly sounded on the door, signalling for us to leave. Levy quickly stuffed the folder back into the draw and we ran to the exit. We opened the door, hurried out and closed the door. Gajeel, who was wating outisde, took Levy's hand and we scurried as one down the hall. We met with our other friends and walked outside, trying not to look suspicious. As we passed other people, my heart beat loudly in my ears but we made it safely out of the school.

"So, what did you guys find out?" Lucy asked once we were at a park a few blocks away.

I exchanged looks with Mavis and Levy. Even though we didn't want to say it, we had to.

"Zeref used to live in an orphanage... and he has a brother," Mavis started. "And the file said that he's called Natsu."

The atmosphere dropped. Everything was quiet. I could just imagine the gears turning in their heads as they thought of what this meant.

"Woah, that's so cool!" Natsu exclaimed happily. "He has the same name as me. What a coincidence!"

We just looked at him blankly.

"Natsu," Levy said slowly. "We think that you might be Zeref's long lost brother."

Natsu's eyes widened. "Me? I don't have any siblings. Why would I be his brother?"

"Natsu, you're adopted, right?"

"Yeah... but that doesn't mean anything, right? Right?"

"I think we need to talk to Zeref," Lucy said.

It was clear to Natsu now what we were all thinking. He was most likely Zeref's brother and the reason why the black-haired boy pesters us. It was a lot to take in and Natsu's eyes were wide and blank, his mind most likely whirring inside with questions. We all stayed quiet, no one uttering a word. No one wanted to say something bad or something that might trigger Natsu. At last, he broke the silence.

"I need to talk to him," Natsu said.

I couldn't read his face or tone of voice at all so I couldn't tell what he was thinking but I'm guessing it wasn't good. With a frown on his mouth, he marched to the school. We stared at him before we realised what he was doing. When we did, we rushed after him, which took some effort as his speed walking got faster by the second. Just as we were about to stop him, he started running and so we started running. Knowing Natsu, he would probably do something reckless and we didn't want that happening.

"Natsu!" Lucy cried. "What are you doing? Do you have a plan in mind?"

"Yes. The plan is called find Zeref and beat him up," Natsu replied from in front of us.

"That doesn't sound like a good plan," Juvia said.

Our chase continued all the way to Alvarez university. Natsu was surprisingly a fast runner – I have no idea how none of us caught up to him.

"How are you going to even find him? You don't know where he is," Gray told Natsu.

"I'll find him!' Natsu yelled.

As he sprinted through the gates of Alvarez University, he crashed into something and fell down. Our gaze travelled as one to meet Zeref towering above Natsu. What a coincidence that we happened to bump into him.

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