25 - Our day

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Jellal and I were all dressed up for the wedding and we were standing in front of the large doors holding hands. I caused so much trouble and I was embarrassed to go in but Jellal reassured me that it would be fine. But what if it wasn't? What if everyone left thinking that the wedding was really cancelled? When I told Jellal of my worries, he told me that they would still be there and if they weren't, that meant more cake for us.

"Our friends will still be there and the people who really matter would too. Do you really think they would abandon us?" Jellal asked. "They have faith in us and our relationship so we should have faith in them."

"You're right. They're our friends and they'll be there for us no matter what," I agreed.

"Yep, so let's go in."

He took a step forward and pulled me with him but I stayed firmly in the same spot, tugging him back. Jellal looked at me questioningly but I was still staring at the big church doors that would open to reveal hundreds of eyes staring at me.

"I think I have stage fright," I whispered.

"Since when have you ever had stage fright?" my fiance asked.

"Since now."

Jellal turned to me seriously. "Let's run in screaming and start dancing."

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you serious? That would be so embarrassing."

He just shrugged. "It's our wedding. We can do whatever we want. Drive in on a monster truck, blast heavy metal music from a speaker, spray everyone with a water hose."

"You've gone crazy."

"I've always been crazy – crazy for you," Jellal winked at me.

Forget about a wedding, I think I need a funeral for myself because I just died. He always seemed to make my heart stop with his smooth flirting.

"Let's just go in together with style," I suggested.

"Of course, anything for you, strawberry," my soon-to-be husband replied.

We linked arms. I took in a deep breath. I was nervous, scared, worried. People would probably look at us strangely and I was embarrassed after running away on my wedding day but we have to go through tough times to reach happiness. So after talking about our hard feelings and my insecurities, we've found ourselves at a better place where I'm more sure and stronger.

In front of the big church doors, we were ready to start our wedding. The groom was walking in with the bride. I've never seen that happen before; it was going against tradition but we love to break tradition. Jellal and I are different and that's what I love about us – we can be who we want and do what we want.

"1, 2, 3."

Together, Jellal and I pushed open the wide doors. The large space was revealed and though I've been here many timer to decorate and prepare, it looked different when it was filled with people. The purple streamers gave colour to the white walls in a formal beauty and the bouquets at many points and corners of the room showed off whites, reds and blues. The rows of chairs on both sides seemed to go on forever. Like a wave, the hundreds of heads turned to us – worried, curious, confused expressions staring at us.

"What do we do now?" I whispered to Jellal out the corner of my mouth.

"Haven't you ever had a wedding before? Just walk forward," he replied softly.

I could tell he was joking and I threw him a glare which he saw and he let out a chuckle under his breath. I returned my gaze to the awaiting path in front of me and linked my arm through Jellal's. Together, we walked forward slowly. As if everyone just snapped back to reality, they started smiling and clapping. An awkward start to our wedding but it put a wide smile on my face nonetheless. Like a celebrity, I waved to my best friends who stood at the front of the room in the bridesmaids and groomsmen place and they smiled back.

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