24 - Weddings and worries

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"Ow!" I cried, leaning away from Juvia.

"Hold still, Erza," Juvia instructed, tugging on my hair again.

It was the day of my wedding and Juvia was currently doing my hair. Lucy just finished doing my make up and while my hair was getting done, the other girls were getting themselves ready and dressed. Juvia was doing my red hair into a fancy and elegant twist and bun kind of thing.

"There – it's done!" Juvia announced proudly.

I looked in the mirror and my jaw dropped. It was like my hair was done by a professional hairdresser. The bun was beautiful and looked complicated in a fancy way, and some of my hair hung out in curled waves to frame my face nicely.

"Woah, it looks amazing. Thank you, Juvia. How did you learn to do hair like this?" I asked.

My friend shrugged like it was no big deal. "I love fashion so I learnt how to do hair by tutorials on Youtube and I learnt this one especially for your wedding."

I hugged her and thanked her again. I was so grateful that I had all my friends with me on my big day and they all helped me so much.

Next, the part that made me more excited but nervous, was putting on my clothes for the wedding. I slipped into the simple but gorgeous white dress I bought months ago with a sparkly design and lace patterns. I put on my shoes and then my jewellery, including the necklace with the small red gem from Jellal.

"Oh my god, Erza, you look amazing," Lucy gushed and the others added their compliments.

Thanking them shyly, I blushed bright red as I twirled in front of the tall mirror. It was hard to believe that I was standing in my wedding outfit getting ready for my wedding with Jellal that would happen in less than a few hours. When I noticed how red my cheeks had gotten, I slapped my cheeks.

"Stop turning so red," I scolded my cheeks.

The girls laughed at me. "That's not going to help. Hitting them will only make them more red," Levy said.


We giggled and calmed down after a while. Then, the phone alarm rang, notifying us that the wedding was in 30 minutes and to make sure that everyone was dressed and ready. 

I think that was the moment that the stress hit me hard. I've always heard that people get cold feet on their wedding day or feel worried and right now, that's how I was feeling. What if marrying Jellal was a mistake? It was a random thought out of the blue but it left some doubt in my mind. We were so young and we started dating at a young age. What if our relationship doesn't last long and was only meant as a teenage relationship?

"Erza? Are you okay?" Lucy asked me.

"Yeah, I just... I'm just overthinking things," I replied, giving a small smile.

I sat down, rubbing my forehead tiredly.

"We thought you might be a bit nervous about today so we got you a wedding gift," Levy announced.

I looked up. In front of me, the girls took out a big box from the corner of the room and placed it on the table next to us. Curiously, I opened it up and found a plate of various desserts including strawberry pie and souffle. I gasped, my heart filled with happinness and my stomach filled with excitement.

"I can't believe you guys got me all this delicious food," I said.

"We know how much you love desserts and you deserve something nice to eat before your wedding," Juvia replied.

I gave them a grateful smile. They really knew me too well. In my comfortable seat, I began eating the souffle. Of course, I wasn't going to eat all of the food now. I offered some to my friends and they ate some but I saved most for later. As I ate slowly, the time ticked away and my friends talked about the upcoming celebration, their voices fading into the background as I thought about Jellal and my stomach suddenly didn't feel like eating.

Sweet Till The EndOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora