17 - I'll be your morning star

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"You look amazing, Erza," Lucy gushed.

"Thank you," I said timidly.

I glanced down at my outfit: a white crop top and a short red skirt. All the girls and Mavis were shopping for clothes since the end of year party was a few weeks away. My first meeting with my mum was two weeks ago and we haven't met up since. Yesterday, she texted me – asking if I wanted to have lunch with her. I didn't know what to do so I haven't replied yet.

Feeling happy with my choice of clothes, I changed back into my original outfit and waited for the other girls. I had what I wanted to buy for the party plus a few other garments but I still browsed the racks.

"How about this?" Levy asked as she popped out of her changing room.

She twirled around in a light blue dress.

"That looks good but I think it would look even better with this belt," Mavis said, passing her a silver and black belt.

Levy thanked her as she tried it on and true to Mavis's word, she looked even better. I was really happy that we all got along well with Mavis.

A few minutes later, we all had fabulous outfits for the end of year party. We had fun as we tried on other clothes for fun.

"Wouldn't this be a nice bridesmaid dress for your wedding, Erza?" Lucy asked, holding up a red dress. "It matches your hair."

It was long with a little bit of silver embroidery around the outside. Though it was a simple design, it was beautiful. Everyone seemed to like it as well – even Mavis, who wouldn't be a bridesmaid, unfortunately. She was still going to be there and help plan the wedding though, so she was excited.

"Actually, I already have an idea for the dresses," I replied.

"You already have dresses for us?" Juvia exclaimed, bouncing on her feet eagerly.

"No, but I've already talked to Jellal about it and I've decided for them to be purple."

"I see. A mix of red and blue: you hair colour and Jellal's. That's smart and awesome," Lucy said.

After trying fancy dresses, we moved through the other sections in the shop and ended up at the lingerie section. With a playful smirk, Juvia lifted up a set of blue, lace underwear.

"Maybe I should seduce Gray with this," Juvia said.

As Lucy wandered over to another rack, she exclaimed, "Ooh, this is nice!"

In her hand was a pink and white bra that was less revealing than the one in Juvia's hand. While she wasn't as flirty as Juvia, she was more confident than Levy. Mavis was with Levy as they both looked scared of the revealing underwear everywhere and poked some nervously.

"You should try this instead," Juvia told Lucy.

Juvia threw a black thong on Lucy's head. The blonde girl responded by shrieking and throwing the garment back to its original place. The rest of us couldn't help but laugh, causing Lucy to giggle as well. Unfortunately, Juvia decided to turn her teasing on me.

"Erza, I dare you to wear this in front of Jellal," the blue haired girl said, holding up a set of red, lace underwear.

"What? No way, I'm not doing that. Since when were we playing 'truth or dare'?" I replied, my cheeks already starting to turn strawberry red.

"You wouldn't turn down a dare though, would you?" she taunted.

I hesitated but I realised she was right. Turning down a dare would make me seem cowardly. Well, it wouldn't really but I decided to do it because a part of me wanted to buy the garments.

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