Unexpected re-encounter

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                (Y/n) said her goodbyes to the boys rather quickly and raced off to her meeting point to find Sachi for cram class. (Y/n) had renewed energy, both from the excitement and the anxiety building within her. She had no clue if the people in the cram school would be nice or not and didn't even know how many people would be there, with all the scenarios running through her head was overwhelming, but she didn't have to worry about those thoughts for long. Before she knew it, she was at the meeting point where Sachi was waiting for her.

        "About time slow poke! Are you excited?!" Sachi teasingly asked (Y/n) as her friend came up to her. (Y/n) rolled her eyes at her friend's comment before answering her friend.

        Yes, I am, but I'm nervous too. I already had plenty of bad experiences with people today, so what if more bad stuff happens. Oh and you have your key right? You didn't lose it?" (Y/n) began thinking of even more possibilities, most of which were bad but Sachi is able to snap her out of it.

        "Hey, chill okay. Deep breathes. It's gonna be fine, you got through today and you can get through cram class too. And yes worry wort I've got the key." Says while grabbing her friend's shoulders and looking her in the eye. Sachi slowly let's go of her friends shoulders giving one last reassuring squeeze before releasing her completely.

        After Sachi's pep talk the two friends went through a door they found that wasn't in direct view of people, using their key of course. They enter an enormous hallway with countless doors, it was a truly amazing sight. The (h/c)ette of the two still found it so interesting that you could use the key on any door and get to where they are, it was like magic.

        "Come on (Y/N,) I think our class is this way. Demon Pharmaceuticals, right? Hey isn't this your best class by the way?" Sachi questions (Y/n) excitedly, practically bouncing with each step.

        "Yes, demon Pharmaceuticals is the class we're looking for and as for it being my best subject, I guess so. I mean it's just really easy for me because I have a pretty good memory, also I've could've sworn I told you this before Sachi." (Y/n) answers her friend while trying to think if she did tell Sachi this before and (Y/n)'s almost a hundred percent sure that she has.

        "Oh yeah, I think you did mention something about it before, but hey wait, wouldn't it be easy for you to be an aria then? Oooh, is that what your going to go for?" Sachi asks as she walks backward ahead of her friend.

        "Well, I do remember some verses, but no. That's not what I'm going for. I just feel like it's not right for me." (Y/n) responds with a smile.

        "Well then, tell me! What meister are you gonna choose tell me please." Sachi begs her while dragging out the please in the hopes her friend will spill what meister she'll choose. (Y/n) could tell her friend which she is thinking about, but it should be fairly obvious considering she carries a knife everywhere she goes, besides she rather have fun messing with her friend over anything else.

        "My lips are sealed, consider it a surprise. Besides it should be fairly obvious on what it is, anyway Sachi do you know where we're going." (Y/n) asks her friend, concerned about being more late than they already are.

        "Ugh, fine, and yes our classroom should be right...there! There it is! Come on, let's go!" Sachi yells in excitement grabbing her friend's wrist and runs the last couple paces to the door. Sachi let's go of (Y/n)'s arm and dramatically opens the door gaining everyone's attention instantly.

        "Hello!!! We're the new students- hey! You guys are here too?!" Sachi exclaims interrupting herself mid-sentence confusing her friend who's stood right behind her. (Y/n) steps around her friend still, confused until she sees the faces of Shima, Koneko, and Bon. There's also a short blonde girl, a boy with dark navy blue hair, a girl with purple pig tails, another girl with short brown hair, a guy with a puppet, a person in the back wearing a hoodie and lastly a boy in the front of the teachers desk, who seemed to be around the same age as everyone else in the room. 

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