Continuous arguing

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A/N trigger warning self harm mentioned in this chapter

        At five thirty in the morning, light and airy music filled the air waking up the (H/c)ette from her sleep. As (Y/n) shut off her alarm she let a sigh while stretching. Typically her morning would start with a jog, however with her still not know the place entirely she opted for simple work outs indoors instead. After her slight workout was done she did everything else as should normally would, brush her teeth, her hair, and doge her friends attempts of throwing things at her. The reason for the throwing things is because Sachi is not what you would call a morning person in the slightest. Her friends onslaught of throwing things wasn't too bad this morning, though, Sachi didn't try throwing the table this time. Sachi eventually got up and dressed and the two girls head downstairs to the dinning hall in their dorm for breakfast. (Y/n) didn't really eat much in the mornings but Sachi makes sure her friend at least eats a little bit. 

        The day went by rather smoothly for (Y/n), the bitch trio didn't bug her or Sachi and the trio of boys all had a typical class day with her as well. The trio did ask (Y/n) more questions about her being an exorcist here and there, but the girls responses kept everything vague. All she told them is that she was young when she got her tempt- taint and that they met Mephisto and he's the one that flew them over seas to go to this school. She stopped answering their questions after that quickly changing the subject and lucky the guys got the message and stopped pushing for answers.

        After the last class was over they head to met up with Sachi and get to cram class, this is when the starts getting a little rough for (Y/n). Rin Okumura does not take school very seriously, at least not to Bon, and Rin not taking class seriously really pissed off Suguro. Rin slept through all of demonology class and grimoir lit, not paying one bit of attention. (Y/n) finds demonology really interesting, it's one of her favorite class, but she guesses it's not for everyone. All throughout those two cram classes, due to Rin slacking off, Bon keeps glaring daggers at Rin and giving an occasional grunt of annoyance here and there, too.

        'I don't get it! I mean I do, but why is Bon so upset at Rin, if he wants to fail then that's on him. I just don't know why he's getting so upset about it.' (Y/n) thinks to herself as she walks with her group of friends to demon pharmaceuticals. Once they all went to their seats, one by one Mr. Okumura calls up the students to give back the quizzes they took yesterday. (Y/n) takes notice of some of the scores other people got while she was waiting for her name to be called. Shiemi got a 41 on the quiz though that was because she gave the herbs nicknames and used those in place of their actually names. Rin was called up next and Rin got a two for his grade which angered Bon even more, proving he's point of Rin not caring, (Y/n) didn't even think getting that kind of score was possible. Bon then got his quiz back and got a ninety eight, Sachi got a ninety two and (Y/n) got a perfect score.

        "Very well done miss (Y/L/N). Your friend wasn't kidding when she said you were good at this subject." Yukio praised (Y/n) causing her to blush ever so slightly while thanking her teaching and heading back to her seat. While (Y/n) was walking back to her seat Bon and Rin start to fight.

        "I couldn't do that bad if I tried. You're too busy flirting with the girls. You disgust me." Bon says to Rin after seeing his score.

        "I don't believe it! A guy like you can't get 98 points! That's impossible!" Rin exclaims in disbelief 

        The two of them continue like that for a bit longer before some people start to step in, in the end Koneko and Shima are holding Bon back and Yukio holding back Rin. (Y/n) mentally face palms still in awe that people can fight over such stupid things. Eventually the bell rang and we all got to take a break. (Y/n)'s friend group head outside to the fountain but peace from the bickering is unfortunately not here. When they all get to the fountain Rin and Shiemi were sitting there and Bon started his taunting. Bon was tormenting Rin saying Shiemi was his girlfriend causing Rin to get flustered and one thing lead to another and Rin said Shiemi wasn't his friend. The pain from that comment was evident on Shiemi's face, (Y/n) couldn't help but feel sad for the girl. After their second argument The three boys, Sachi and (Y/n) went off and (Y/n) knew she had to say something.

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