Chapter 2

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The link goes straight to an all-black website. I stare at it with confusion. Then words start typing onto the screen. 'Congratulations, (Y/n). You have accepted our terms and proposition.'

Terms? I didn't see anything about terms. 'We are sending our best soldier to collect you as I speak.' Wait-What?! Have they hacked my location or something? Oh jeez. Maybe I shouldn't have accepted.

'Cooperate, and the soldier will treat you with respect, and you will be treated with care.' Wait. What happens if I don't cooperate? I try to type a question onto the website.

'What happens if I don't cooperate?' Wow. It actually allowed me to type. 'You have already accepted the terms, so if you do not...well, let's just say that you won't like what's going to happen.' I gulp.

These guys sound serious. Oh jeez...What have I gotten myself into? The laptop shuts down by itself. I stand up and close the laptop. Okay...just breathe. Breathe in...and breathe out.

A thud sounds from my room. I cautiously grab an umbrella. It's the closest thing to me. I carefully and quietly walk towards my bedroom door. I swing the door open and shriek a bit.

There's a man with a metal arm standing there. He just stares at me. ", I'm guessing you're supposed to be the one who was sent to get me?" I'm extremely nervous.

He walks past me and then looks behind at me. I guess I'm supposed to follow this guy. I walk behind him as he continues. I've got a bad feeling about this...

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