Chapter 3

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(E/c)= Eye color
We sit in the back of a black van driven by two other men. The man with the metal arm and shoulder-length brown hair sits across from me.

I'm still clutching the umbrella nervously. The man doesn't even look at me. "That won't protect you." I jump in surprise at the sound of the man's voice. "I know..."

The man gives me a sideglance before going back to silence and staring at nothing. The ride seems to be taking a while, so I try to make small talk with the man.

"So...who are you?" I ask him. He looks at me with a confused expression. I awkwardly avert my (e/c) eyes from his sky colored ones.

"Do you remember your name?" I ask after looking back up at him. He shakes his head. Did he lose his memories? Why don't they help him get them back? And why is he so cold?

I now have a better view of his metal arm. It has a red star on it. I'm starting to get the urge to touch it, but that would be rude. And how would he react?

He glances at me. I look down. He must have noticed me staring. "Why aren't you afraid of me?" I look back up. "Because even though I just met you, I have no reason to believe that you're a bad person."

He looks away with a confused expression. It's silent besides the sound of the motor running and the heater going. "What's your favorite color?"

He once again gives me a confused look. After a while, he finally answers. "Blue, I guess. Or black." I smile. He notices my smile and looks away.

Back to silence. Silence is golden, but too much can be a pain. This is going to be a long day...

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