Chapter 13

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I get tired of waiting for The Winter Soldier to come back and end up falling asleep.


I'm in a dark forest with nothing but pine trees everywhere I look. I pick a direction and start walking that way. I start to hear gunshots in the distance.

I run away from the gunshot sounds, but the farther I run, the closer the sound seems to get. My heart starts beating faster as I run. My first thought is 'They're going to kill me!'

Suddenly, the gunshots stop. I reach a clearing and come to a complete stop. I see Tony Stark standing in the clearing. "Who are you?" Tony asks with a confused expression. I think for a few minutes before I answer. "(Y/n) (L/n)."

--------------------(Dream end)--------------------

I awake to the sound of men opening my cell door. My eyes widen as they drag me to my feet and lead me out. Not again...

"I-I need to talk to Pierce!" They ignore me and continue to lead me down the hallway. What is it with these people? They act like they have sticks up their-

"Ah, welcome back, (Y/n)." Alexander Pierce stands beside the door they took me to when they started experimenting. "You can't take my memories." I try not to glare at him as I speak.

"Oh? And why not?" He asks with an amused expression. I hesitate before I answer. "Because I know something you don't."

"Do tell what you're hiding." He says with a calm expression. Does he think I'm that stupid? "I can't tell you, cause you'll just wipe my memory right after." Pierce chuckles. "See? This is why we chose you. You're clever, smart. You know how to survive."

I feel uneasy as he goes on. "But, whether you tell me or not, we're still going to wipe your memories. Unless, you decide to cooperate with us, that is."

I think for a bit before I finally glare at him. "No way. I'd much rather forget everything than follow the path of evil. I'd much sooner die than willingly follow you cretins."

Pierce shrugs. "It's your choice." He turns to the men. "Continue with the experimentation, and then wipe her." They practically drag me into the room as I try to struggle against them. Where's Winter? Why doesn't he help me? I haven't seen him since yesterday.

They strap me down to the chair. One of the men pulls out a needle. Did something happen to the Winter Soldier? They put the needle in my arm and everything goes black.

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