Chapter 7

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"Now. We shall begin experimentation tomorrow. Our Winter Soldier will lead you to where you will be staying for the night. Oh, and (Y/n)...Don't try to escape, or there will be major consequences."

I scoff at Pierce. I follow the man, now known as Winter Soldier, out of the room. He leads me down a few halls. I'm closely studying my surroundings in hopes of escaping this place.

We approach a dark and dirty cell with a stiff-looking bed. My eyes widen. "I have to stay in there?!" The man doesn't say anything as he opens the door. He motions for me to go in.

I shake my head. "There's no way you're putting me in there. I refuse." The Winter Soldier threateningly glares at me. "On second thought...I'd rather not make you mad..." I hesitantly walk into the cell.

He shuts it and stands there like a guard. Great. I'm a prisoner. What next? Torture? I shudder thinking about what experiments they might do to me. I have to find a way to escape this place.

I start studying the Winter Soldier. Shoulder-length brown hair, a metal arm with a red star, sky blue eyes. And I bet he has a great smile underneath the tough guy act. Wait-What? I can't be thinking of that! I have to think of a way to escape!

Maybe I could get him on my side. I knock on the cell door and he looks at me with a glare. "So, do you remember anything about your life?" I assumed since he couldn't remember his name, that he might have forgotten everything.

Mixed in with the anger in his eyes are sadness and confusion. He must long for his memories. "I'm sure that Hydra must have a file on who you used to be. If you help me escape, I'll help you remember who you were." I slowly reach my hand out of the bars.

He looks a bit panicked so I retract my arm a bit. Then I continue. "It's alright. I can help you."

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