Chapter 12

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The Winter Soldier was given a new mission, so he's been gone for maybe 30 minutes or more. It's hard to keep track of time in here. The pain had finally stopped. I sit up carefully, so as not to trigger anymore pain.

I look at the metal bracelet again. Maybe there's some kind of secret trigger button hidden on it. I take the bracelet off and examine it thoroughly. On the back of it, I notice a panel that I hadn't noticed before.

I pull the panel off with my nails. My eyes widen as I see a few buttons that I didn't know were there. my parents never mentioned anything like this. Why now? Why in a dream? Were they actually agents? It seems like it, based on this evidence.

Would it really allow me to contact Fury? Nick Fury himself? I look at the buttons, which are in fact labeled. One of the buttons contacts the Avengers HQ, another contacts Fury, and the last one says self destruct. I'm definitely not pressing that last one.

I hover over the button for Fury, but then move my finger over to the button for HQ. I've always wanted to talk to an Avenger. And now's my chance.

I press the button and hold my breath. A projection of Nick Fury shows up. You son of a guns. My parents somehow knew that I would want to contact the Avengers first. I exhale with a sigh. "This is Fury. State your name and purpose for contacting me."

I hesitate for a moment. "I...think that my parents were agents...and I'm stuck at a Hydra facility. I need help! They're gonna wipe my memories!"

"Get ahold of yourself! I'm not gonna sit here and listen to some weepy, whiney, sorry excuse for an agent's kid." I take a deep breath and calm myself down. "My name is (Y/n) (L/n). My parents were agents. This might sound weird, but I was told to contact you through one of my dreams."

"And why the hell am I supposed to believe you?" Seriously? How am I supposed to explain? "Um, I don't know how else to explain. I didn't even know that I could contact you until my dream. Do you know how this bracelet works?"

He grunts and mumbles something inaudible. "Click the button that contacts me." I hover my finger over the button that said Avengers HQ, but then hesitate.

"Um, the button that I contacted you with was labeled Avengers HQ. Should I press that one?" He curses under his breath. "Yes, now press the damn button." I press it and a tiny hole appears on the top of the bracelet.

"Your location has been sent to SHIELD. The bracelet will record everything. Just sit tight." He hangs up. What else would I do? I can't go anywhere. And how the heck did I not know about the things this bracelet could do? And how did my parents tell me about it through a dream?

I sigh and lean back against the wall. What have I gotten myself into?

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