Chapter 14

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I woke up in my cell again. More of my memory has disappeared, but I can't tell which part. I remember my parents, so that's good. I remember Winter Soldier.

I gasp and look around, only to be disappointed that he isn't here. I miss him. Did they do something to him? I sigh and look down to notice a small box under my bed.

When did that get there? I pull it out and set it on the bed, hesitating. Was it a trick by Pierce? Was it from Winter Soldier? I guess I'll find out. I slowly open the box, hoping it's from Winter, and not from Pierce.

I look inside and see a Rubiks cube. Huh? I take it out and try to solve it. Stupid thing... It doesn't even work. It won't twist. What do you know? It was a sick joke after all. I toss it on the ground out of frustration.

The Rubiks cube pops open to reveal a tiny note. I gasp and quickly grab the cube. A note? I take the note out of the cube and start reading it. I don't have time to read it though, cause I hear footsteps approaching my cell.

I gasp and quickly hide the stuff under my bed, except I hide the note in my pocket. A couple men unlock my cell and Pierce walks in looking pissed. Serves him right to be mad. "Apparently we have a breach, so you're being moved. Grab her."

The men walk in and grab me by the arms. I struggle as much as I can, but it's no use. They drag me along through the hallways as quickly as possible. Pierce doesn't follow. I get a glance into a security room and see Captain America on one of the screens. He's outside fighting Hydra soldiers.

I need to think of a plan to escape them and get to Cap. I look at the people leading me through the hallways. All of a sudden, I can see their weaknesses. I act quickly and use my feet to trip both of them. I quickly grab their guns and shoot them in their legs so they can't follow me.

I run through the hallway as fast as I can. I have no idea which way I'm going, but I'm hoping it's the exit. Hydra soldiers try to stop me, but I can see their weaknesses. I shoot each of them as I'm running. The hallway starts to look familiar as I come across a red door with a black knob.

Pierce, the bastard. He's going to pay for what he put me through. I kick open the door. "Welcome, (Y/N). I take it you've come to kill me." Pierce turns around in his chair. He has a calm expression on his face.

I scoff at his words and glare at him. "I didn't come to kill you. That would bring me down to your level. No, I came to teach you a lesson you'll never forget. That you don't mess with me." I said the last part with venom laced in my voice.

"Now. What did you do with the Winter Soldier?"

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