Chapter 4 : Night Stroll

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Alex was in Professor Port's class discussing about some unnecessary stories that unrelated to his field
Alex yawned a bit as scribbling some notes that he took from his text book about grimm anatomy

Alex then felt someone threw a piece of paper to him
He looked around quietly and saw Weiss waved her hand and gestured him to open the paper??

And he did, he opened the paper then read it

" you have any plan for our stroll tonight??"

Alex wrote in a new piece of paper

"Well to be honest I don't know since I knew Vale just like around yesterday...So..I was hoping that you'll give me a tour"

Then he passed the paper to Weiss as she read it
She then glanced at Alex and gave him a wink signalling that she cool with it (no pun intended)

Alex kept scribbling about the Grimm anatomy as his ears were forced to hear the unnecessary stories about his life

Marvin was sleeping ignoring all about the class completely while Rena just read her favorite novel
Pina in the other hand was playing with her cutter as she glanced at Alex silently with a lustful expression




Port : Oh would you look at the time....all of you can dismissed this class...and remember to read your book because we'll have a pop quiz next week

The students walked out from the class and headed to their lockers
Alex went to his locker and stored his textbooks and took his weapon

But then he heard a commotion in the back

??? : Ow! Stop it! Don't!!

??? : Heh! Look at those ears!!

??? : So freaky!!

??? : You freaks shouldn't belong here!!

Nobody even dare to intervene and because of it, Alex headed straight to the source and saw a bunny faunus was bullied by four people
Alex had no idea about this and decided to ask to one of the students

Alex : Excuse me...what happened here?

Student : usual...she got bullied...

Alex : And you just gonna let it slide

Student : Dude...I know I feel bad but the one who bullied her was the toughest student in here, Cardin Winchester and his team CRDL

Alex : Tch...that's it

Student : Wait..what are you doing???

Alex : Do what I must to do....

He headed to Cardin and he could see the difference at least he's shorter about his nape
He didn't mind though...he tapped Cardin's neck which gained his attention

Cardin : Who the fuck are you and what the fuck do you want freak?!

Alex : Bullying people is bad...but bullying a faunus is worse...

Cardin : So what?? I don't fucking care! Now get lost before you'll bleed too!

As Cardin about to bully her again, Alex got in front of her in a blink
Time to put his martial arts to a test

Cardin : You wanna die punk?!

Alex : Nope....I wanna fuck your mom!

His answers got some "oooohh" from students which caused him to get pissed
He pulled out his mace into a grenade launcher form

Tale Of Two Heirs (Weiss X Male OC Reader)Where stories live. Discover now